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February 24, 2017

Praying Out Corruption: Kingdom Overcoming

“When we step into a dark room in our home, our very first instinct is to turn on a light, and that instinct has influenced the position of the light switch: it’s generally right near the door. Flip the switch, on comes the light, and immediately away goes the darkness. It ceases to exist where the light is present. It is relegated to the shadows where the rays of light are not yet infiltrating. But even so, the darkness is compromised. Darkness cannot abide where there is light. Let’s review Jesus’ instructions to the 70 in Luke 10. First, he told them to speak peace to every house (v.5), in essence, turn on the light. Bless, don’t curse. Second, He said, ‘Eat what they set before you.’ Fellowship, don’t avoid. You don’t have to talk. Just eat and drink, but keep the lamp burning. Then He told them, ‘Heal the sick who are there.’ Minister, don’t ignore. Finally, at the close of His instructions, Jesus said, ‘Tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’  Understand this, that even though your ‘peace-speaking’ may seem but a flicker of light in a very dark place, Jesus says that flicker is impregnated with all the power and resources of the kingdom of God.” (Dave Thompson)1

“The kingdom of God has come near you.” (Luke 10:9; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer1:

  1. Review Luke 10:1-18. Accept and embrace the truth of every verse in prayer.

  2. Armed with greater understanding and faith, speak peace more boldly to every house you enter, physically or in prayer.

  3. Reclaim every dark place for which Jesus has already paid the price of redemption.

  4. Make this your lifestyle, for you and your family, from this day forward. Determine to let no corrupted word leave your mouth, but that every word be full of the peace of God.

  5. Speak peace, and follow the trail, because now you know that there is a trail.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, let the truth of Luke 10:1-18 penetrate deep within my soul. Let it transform me. May I enter every dark place I go each day knowing that I am filled with Your Light. I am a Kingdom-expression. May I speak truth and peace into each dark place, shedding abroad the depth of Your Love for each one there. May my words be filled with grace and faith! Let miracles follow me as I minister Your reality everywhere I go, and may this nation change as every one of Your precious Saints does the same. In Jesus’ powerful Name, amen.

Today’s decree:

In reclaiming the darkness by showing forth His Light, we spread His Kingdom abroad in this land!

1 Dave Thompson, Sr. Vice President, Harvest Evangelism.


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