Praying Out Corruption: Partnering With God
“Ten years ago, the City of Parañaque, The Philippines, was barely hobbling along under the weight of a 1 billion peso debt. Crime was on the increase. Jails were full. City streets were largely left without lights at night due to lack of funds. Fraud and collusion were rampant in government and in the marketplace. Drug trafficking seemed unstoppable. Morale was so low and city services so lacking that the inhabitants had allowed their cemetery to literally become the garbage dump for the city, with refuse piled so high it spilled over the walls. It was said, ‘You can tell when you are in Parañaque by the smell.’ That’s when King Flores went to the Mayor to ask what his felt need was, to which the Mayor responded, ‘We don’t have funds because people are not paying their taxes, and when they do, it is too often the result of price-fixing and bribes.’ King and his team offered to pray and asked permission to come once a week at City Hall to do it. Less than two months later, the Mayor came to report that, strangely, people were starting to pay their taxes, and to inquire of King if they could come to pray more often at City Hall!” (Dave Thompson)1
“Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (I Pet. 5:8; NASB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer1:
Say, “Yes, Lord,” to His invitation to partner with Him to change your community and nation.
Using your newspaper and newsfeeds, begin to identify the felt needs of your community and of the people who are influencing it. Wherever you find the evil one roaring, roar back!
Ask the Lord to open doors for you to offer prayer to people who are in authority in your city.
Entreat the Lord for insight, words of wisdom and words of knowledge to pray with accuracy.
Pray with faith! Righteousness exalts a nation; sin is a disgrace to any people. (Prov. 14:34)
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, we cry “YES!” We say yes to partnering together with You to change our community and nation. We do not understand the fullness of what You have put within us, Your Church. If we did, we would surely not shrink back! Help us to find the places where the enemy is trying to gain or keep a demonic stronghold in our realms of influence. We will roar back against it! Please open doors for us to pray with those in governmental authority over us in our cities. Thank You for providing words of wisdom and knowledge that are accurate and will touch their hearts. Jesus, we desire to exalt You in this nation! Amen.
Today’s decree:
Our cities will change as the Ekklesia partners together with the government leaders, providing prayer, encouragement and Godly advice.
1 Dave Thompson, Sr. Vice President, Harvest Evangelism.