Christmas Day
We find the second account of the birth of Jesus in Luke 1:26-56 and 2:1-40. These passages focus on God’s intimate relationship with mankind. Here we see the unfolding of God with us, our hope of glory. We see how carefully God fulfilled the law and the prophets, giving his people, the Jews, every opportunity to see that Jesus was their long-awaited Messiah. Yet, only a few would see. We see the scriptures fulfilled by the living Word of God, Jesus. We see the natural outflow of worship by all those who encountered Jesus – his mother, Mary, his cousin John (in the womb of his Aunt Elizabeth), Elizabeth, Zechariah, the shepherds, Joseph, and two elderly persons who ministered to the Lord day and night in the temple, Simeon and Anna. All of these ordinary people recognized the Christ child, because they had an intimate encounter with a living God, by their choice, or by His. Intimate friendship with God opens our eyes to God’s ways and includes us in His plans. Develop that relationship. Look for where Jesus is being revealed. Look for what God is doing in America. Respond to Him, our life-giver, our Savior, and the lover of our souls. Worship Him! Merry Christmas!
“‘My eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.’” (Simeon; Luke 2:30-32; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Read Luke 1 and 2:1-40.
Ask the Lord to draw you closer to Him.
Decide to begin developing a closer walk with Him, even if you already feel close. Ask Him to show you how.
Intercede for the Body of Christ to be drawn into a closer place of intimacy with Him. Pray this for your family members, pastors and other church leaders.
Pray the same for your government leaders from the local level to the national level.
Worship Him who is worthy of our worship!
A prayer you can pray:
Father, draw me closer to You. I think the most precious name You could give me would be to be called Your friend. I desire an intimate friendship with You. What a wonderful Christmas gift that would be. Jesus made it possible. That causes me to worship You! Make me hungry and thirsty for more of You as I read Luke 1 and 2:1-40. Let it be more than a Christmas story to me. Let the heart of it touch my heart. Let the interactions between each person recorded here cause me to long for more intimate conversations with You. I pray this for my pastors and other spiritual leadership, as well. Let those who govern me, long for this level of relationship with You, beginning with their moment of salvation, if they still need to meet You. Jesus, change this nation, as You make us a nation of Your friends. Amen.
Today’s decree:
The United States shall be a nation that seeks the Lord, worships Him, and makes Him known in the earth!