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December 19, 2018

Christ In Us, the Hope of Glory

“Christmas week over four decades ago, I made my first trip to Israel. Airport security was extremely tight because of recent wars. After visiting many Biblical sites we were finally at the Garden Tomb for a sunrise worship service. This tomb is similar to, or perhaps the actual place, where Jesus was laid after his crucifixion. When the pastor began his sermon, he reminded us of the strenuous search we’d undergone to get here. But he assured us we had smuggled something into the country which was not in the museums or historical sites. ‘You smuggled something into Jerusalem which no one could take from you. Christ in you the hope of glory,’ he said, quoting from Colossians 1:27. Christ in you. Christ in me. That is part of our Christmas story. It is the reason why you and I can and must share the story of our Savior’s birth. Christ living in us by His Holy Spirit –equipping and empowering us to share his marvelous salvation message.” (Quin Sherrer)1

“I (Paul) became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God, the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:25-27; NKJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Pray for Israel and the Jews. From Genesis to Malachi all signs point to Jesus Christ as Messiah, but this is missed by them. Ask God to reveal this Truth this Christmas!

  2. Rejoice that Christ is in you! Ask God to make Himself seen through you this Christmas. Let your life be His testimony.

  3. Ask the Lord to give you opportunities over the next week to share Jesus with at least one person. This is the best Christmas gift they could ever receive, and the reason why He came—eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord!

A prayer you can pray:

Father, bless Israel today. Send Your Holy Spirit to reveal to the Jews their Messiah, our Lord and Savior, Jesus. As they open and read the Torah, let revelation open their eyes, so they might see. Let them break free of every religious spirit and stronghold of pride, so they might embrace the Son. I don’t know how they can’t see Him in the Old Testament, but Your timing of their salvation will be perfect, even as it was on my own life! I am so grateful that You did not leave me in my sin, but drew me to the cross. I praise You and ask You to make me an instrument of peace and grace, showing the way to Jesus. I believe Israel and the United States are spiritually linked. I believe these nations can be saved in a day, if others, like myself, will share Jesus with those who are not yet saved. May Christ be revealed in us, the hope of Your glory. Let this be the best Christmas ever! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s decree:

This Christmas, let Israel and America see Jesus, the Hope of Glory, in those of us who know You!

1 Quin Sherrer is the co-author of A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare and 29 other books, which are available on Amazon. Quin can be contacted by writing to her at P.O. Box 1661, Niceville, FL, 32588.

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