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December 17, 2019

Plan A or Plan B

We live in a world of great need. You don’t have to look far to see people in need of hope and the need of a Savior. As we enter the Christmas season, let us keep before us the people that Jesus came to touch, to save, to redeem. In loving them, we can see miracles every day, just as He did. We can be purveyors of hope, even as He was. Those of us who know Him and love Him can be His everyday ambassadors on the earth.

In my book, Intercessory Prayer, I challenge each of us to consider our choices:

“There are many wounded and hurting individuals around the world. You work with some, others live across the street. One of them probably just served you in a check-out line, seated you in a restaurant or served you food. Their chains are alcohol, drugs, abuse, broken dreams, rejection, money, lust…

“ Plan A is for supernatural, but ordinary people like you and me to (1) wholeheartedly believe in the victory of Calvary…and (2) to rise up in our role as sent ones, ambassadors, authorized representatives of the Victor. Our challenge is not so much to liberate as to believe in the Liberator – to heal as to believe in the Healer.

“Plan B is to waste the Cross; to leave the tormented in their torment; to scream with our silence: ‘There is no hope’; to hear the Father say again, ‘I looked but found no one.’” 1

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13: ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Look around you. Really see as Jesus would see those in need nearby.

  2. Ask the Lord to fill Your heart with His love for those in need.

  3. Choose Plan A. Intercede, and act if possible.

  4. Pray for new strategies to show Christ’s love to others. Get personal. Get to really know the people you are showing Jesus to.

  5. Say, “Lord, may I never waste the cost of my salvation. Stir Your beautiful Bride. May You never again need to say, ‘I looked but found no one.’”

  6. Pray for the Church to be His eyes and ears, hands and feet across our communities this Christmas.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, You had such a personal plan when You sent Jesus to the earth. It was for all people to know You. But it was also for each individual to know Your love and care for them. You wanted to save us from our sin and all the messes we make without You in our lives. You wanted Your family to come out of the dark and the cold and the effect of sin. We must not be content with our own personal relationship with You. We are save to help others to know You, as well. We are Your eyes and ears and hands and feet in the earth. Open our eyes to really see others. Help our hearts to be open to them. Don’t let us feel limited or be afraid. You fill us, Holy Spirit, and there is no limitation in You. You do not ever fear. Give us these things today.

We choose to “wholeheartedly believe in the victory of Calvary…and to rise up in our role as sent ones, ambassadors, authorized representatives of the Victor.” May we never waste the cost of our salvation. Stir Your beautiful Bride. May You never again need to say, ‘I looked but found no one.’ Let our hearts be broken and moved to pray and act on others’ behalf. Let us show You to those in our realms of influence – our neighbors and co-workers and others within our reach. Jesus, let this Christmas be different than every other. Let this be the beginning of the great revival of souls; souls that You love, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

Let this Christmas season be the beginning of the Body of Christ being the loving ambassadors of Jesus; touching all those in need of Him.

1 Dutch Sheets, Intercessory Prayer (Ventura,CA Regal,1996, p 45).

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