Walking In Tune With the Holy Spirit
Hear more quickly. Hear more easily. Hear more fully. I am hearing that you will receive a greater ability this year to analyze what you are hearing Him say more quickly. You will know and understand what He is saying, because the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation is going to a new level in the Church. We will be filled again and again and again. This will be the year of our greatest infilling. The Church is going to overflow and continue to overflow!
Worship is going to a whole new level. There will be intimacy, but there will be a strength and a warfare in it. Strongholds will break as His people worship Him. You will almost be able to hear them breaking apart and falling as you worship corporately. There will be new sounds. There is a new breed of worship leader coming forth. Pastors and ministry leaders, don’t try to direct them. Get out of their way. They have been created by God to bring this new sound into the earth and you have to let them do it. You may not understand it, but you will be able to follow it. Let them worship fully, no holds barred! Let the new sound open the heavens and break strongholds. That’s what is going to happen. You will sense it, feel it, know it. You will see the effect and hear about it in the news later. Get ready! God’s Kingdom is coming in this new sound of worship.
“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23-24; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Worship Him. Let the worship freely flow from your heart and your lips. If you hear a new sound coming forth, let that happen.
Practice following the Holy Spirit as He leads your worship.
See the sound penetrate the atmosphere around you. Let Him show you the effect your worship sound is having.
If you are a pastor or other ministry leader who is used to directing the worship, find a way to trust the worship leaders the Lord has given your congregation. Give them freedom! Start today!
Intercede for pastors and ministry leaders and worship leaders to realize this new season of freedom and warring worship has come to us.
Ask the Lord to help you follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in worship more and more. It has an effect in the earth!
A prayer you can pray:
Let a spirit of worship and sonship and communion unite in an effect of warring strength. Let the roar of Zion come out of Your people. Let the roar be heard throughout this land and in the nations of the earth. Let a sound go forth into the heavens that literally rips apart the canopies that have been built over nations and cities. Let the sound go into the earth and, like a laser, hit the roots and cut them off. Let strongholds tumble to the ground. Let the rain of heaven come to earth. Let the outpouring that You have been speaking to us about go to its new level.
Let a fresh expression of the apostolic and prophetic dimension of Jesus come into the earth. Let our decrees be louder in the Spirit. Let our roar be louder in the Spirit. Let our senses be sharpened to hear what You are saying. May we think the thoughts of heaven this year. May we move with You easily. Let us be so tuned in with You that, just like we have natural reflexes, we do all this without even thinking about it. We move with You without thinking about it. We respond to You without thinking about it. We are in tune with You. We are being fine-tuned by You. There is a heightened sensitivity to the Holy Spirit coming to His people who will come in close. Let the Church be filled with the Holy Spirit! Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
We are being fine-tuned as we worship the Lord to walk in perfect step with His Holy Spirit.