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August 6, 2024

Our Finest Hour

I do not often speak on the GH15 posts about the coming shaking but rather mention it at regular intervals to keep us all praying. I also do so to ensure that you are not blindsided or disillusioned by what may come. Prayer is saving us from the total devastation that the shaking could have been and is ensuring that what may come is redemptive. America will be reborn into her purpose and destiny. 

I have no fear of being wrong about the difficult shaking I speak of because I hope I am. If that proves to be the case, I will rejoice. And I have said several times I am not prophetically predicting when, what, or how severe the shaking will be. Only that it is coming, and I feel it will be severe. I also believe it will be worldwide. 

The Timing

Regarding timing, America’s enemies are having to roll the dice. They would need not be in a hurry if an election of Harris were guaranteed; she doesn’t worry them. Biden’s and Harris’ policies (and those controlling them behind the scenes) created the current unrest around the world, and also allowed the thousands (perhaps hundreds, but I believe thousands) of enemies that have poured into America through our “secure border.” Either these leaders don’t understand “peace through strength” or don’t want it. The opposite phrase, “peace through appeasement” actually has a formal name given it in the 1940s: “World War II.” 

Trump, on the other hand, understands peace through strength and is a fighter. His “America first” policies, intended to rebuild our nation, terrify our enemies and the globalists of the world. Frankly, I think America’s enemies still want to take Trump out - desperately - in hopes that someone more moderate would replace him. They underestimate the current unrest and determination of American patriots, however. The opposite would occur - these American patriots would not choose a moderate. If Trump were assassiated, they would try to resurrect Patton…or Teddy Roosevelt! 

I believe our enemies feel that a Trump victory is possible, which means they must act here in America and on the world stage within the next 6-month window: August through January. My opinion is that they will take action before the election, not only to harm us, but also in hopes of disrupting it.

The Middle East

Two or three weeks ago, I heard the Lord say that things were about to escalate in the Middle East. This is obviously occurring and will continue to escalate. Israel has decided they will not back off; whatever it takes, they intend to destroy the Iran-backed terrorists in the region that are trying to destroy them. Israel’s actions, however, will not stop Iran’s activities; they couldn’t care less about casualties to the Palestinians, the Lebanese, and other people in the region (including their own). The spirits controlling the Iranian leaders are of the same spiritual kingdom as those that controlled the Nazis, and this kingdom hates the Jewish people. It also hates America. It cares not how many innocent people perish, including from among those it uses. Satan loves to steal, kill, and destroy - period. So I do not expect them to back off. 

For the record, I, like Jesus, love Iranians, Palestinians, and all Muslims. I want to see them come to Christ and am elated by the incredible harvest taking place in Iran. I also have sown gifts to feed and clothe those in the Arab world, including ones who are not yet believers in Jesus, doing so through those I trust. God loves them all. Terrorists, however, do not honor life and must be stopped. 

I also love leftists, globalists, and those they use. I pray for their salvation and protection from evil, and that millions of them come to Christ in the coming revival. I believe this will occur. But I do not love their policies and I want them removed from power. I am not a pacifist, and I certainly don’t believe the nonsense that says believers—the church, God’s voice on the earth—should stay out of governmental and policy discussions. Nor that we should leave the teachings of Scripture, which form our worldview, out of the discussions. If you are a believer, you did not relinquish your right to be involved in the political process when you said yes to Jesus and a belief in the Bible. 

Speak up, vote for biblical values, and PRAY! Pray for safety. Pray for the protection of our leaders. Pray for them to receive wisdom. Pray for favor and success to those who espouse biblical ideals and truth. Pray for the end of satan’s control in the Middle East. Pray for Israel and the Arab people. And pray for a worldwide harvest!

I close with two quotes from Founder Sam Adams, a believer and patriot extraordinaire:

“The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.”

“The right to freedom is the gift of God Almighty....The rights of the Colonists as Christians may be best understood by reading, and carefully studying the institutes of the great Lawgiver and head of the Christian Church: which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament.”(1)

This is our Esther hour - we were born for this time, church. Rise up as Christ’s Ekklesia and declare His rule, authority, and will. As we do so, this will be our finest hour.

Pray with me:

Father, we are not in denial regarding the unrest now taking place here and around the world. We know America’s actions have, in part, caused it. But we also know You, who declare the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), are always ahead of satan and his plans. He reacts, You predetermine and prepare. He attempts to destine; You predestine. He plans; You preplan. You decided long ago how You would prevail in this season, even using satan’s actions for Your superseding plans.

We call those plans forth now. Kingdom - authority of King Jesus - come! Will of King Jesus, be done! Rebirth of America, come. Fire in America’s pulpits, come! Revival in America’s schools, come! Revival in our government, come! Harvest among the nations, come! Harvest in Asia, Australia, Central and South America, Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, come!

We exalt and praise You, Father. We love and worship Yeshua. And we love Holy Spirit. Let His wind now blow, and Your angel armies engage. 

All of this we ask and declare at the instruction of, and in the authority of, Christ. Amen. 

Our decree:

We decree that the Kingdom of God cannot and will not be shaken.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


1 Comment

Johnna Ingram
Johnna Ingram
Aug 07, 2024

Amen and amen!

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