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August 30, 2019

The Changing of an Era – Part 1

“God has an order in the way he restores things. He has been restoring things to His original plan since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. That brings us to now. We are in a key place in time. We are about to end a year and a decade on the Hebrew calendar. That’s God’s timeframe—from Rosh Hashanah to Rosh Hashanah. We need to align with that. We are moving form 5779 to 5780. However, the Lord is also telling me we are moving into a new era for the Church. We are coming out of a Church era and we are coming into an era of Kingdom display. This will be a dimension of ten years that we have never been in before, especially in this nation. We are being prepared for that.

“You can tell more about an era when you look at it through the Hebrew calendar. This last decade has been linked with 70. 70 is ‘ayin’. It’s linked with the Lord watching and His eye being on the movement of what’s going on in the earth realm. 70 is also linked with angelic hosts coming and being released. There’s been a Divine aligning of angelic hosts with the Church to align for His purposes in the earth for the future. Additionally, 70 is linked with the concept of ‘sending’. So, we have been in a decade of preparing to be sent. That’s very important. All 70’s are linked with Holy Spirit.

“We also have to look at the number 9, because it’s 5779. 9 is linked with the Holy Spirit. It’s linked to the 9 gifts of the Spirit and the 9 fruits of the Spirit. Holy Spirit is moving on us in this year. We need to look and see where He is hovering. We need to watch and see how He is moving.” (Chuck Pierce)

“It is written: ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’— the things God has prepared for those who love him— these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:9-10; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Can you accept that God has a clear plan of restoration and He wants us, the Church, to line up with Him in that plan?

  2. Intercede for the Body of Christ to understand the ways of God. We read the Word, but we aren’t interpreting the timing of things properly. We think God is always doing the same thing, so we don’t progress forward.

  3. Ask the Lord to break us out of old cycles, so we can enter the new.

  4. Embrace Holy Spirit’s work in you, in the nation and in the earth more fully than you may have done so in the past.

  5. Ask the Lord if there is anything He wants you to see before this decade ends and the new begins.

  6. Say, “Lord, here I am, send me, as we turn the decade over.”

A prayer you can pray:

God, we believe that You have a plan that You have been working out since the fall of man. What You planned for us was all in that garden. Your restoration began with sending Your Son, Jesus. You made a way, Yourself, where there seemed to be no way. You continue to confound the enemy. You keep moving forward. So we want to move forward with You. Holy Spirit help us. Deepen our walk with You. Deepen our relationship with You. Let us watch a little more intensely as we close out the end of this “ayin” season and move into the season of Kingdom expansion. Help the Body of Christ to see this. We are stuck in a rut, because we do not know Your ways. We do the same things over and over. We must be ready to expand Your Kingdom further than ever before. Break us out of old cycles, in Jesus’ name! Let us see what ever we need to see in the next few weeks, so we can get ready for the new decade of being sent. Jesus, we say, “Here we are, send us, as we turn the decade over.”

Today’s decree:

Holy Spirit is moving on us this year to ready us to be sent out to establish His Kingdom in the decade ahead!Learn more about Chuck Pierce here.

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