Why Arrowheads?
I find it very interesting that God chose to use arrowheads in the anchoring of our states and connecting them to America’s destiny. Yahweh is intentional; He does nothing without purpose. Holy Spirit could have chosen many things for this prophetic act, yet He opted for items made by Native Americans. This is significant.
I have no doubt that God intends to include the native people in the coming revival. He spoke to me very strongly regarding this several years ago. I should add, it isn’t that God chose not to include them in past revivals - it is always His will to save - but for various reasons harvest “fields” ripen at different times. I and others feel the First Nations people of America have reached one of these harvest seasons. Not only will many of them be born again, but it is obviously God’s will that they share in the destiny of this land. The native people have important roles in God’s Kingdom plans, just as we all do. The way they were pushed aside and mistreated by many early European Americans was evil, and left deep wounds. But God wants to do a strong work of healing, reconciliation, and restoration.
This healing was paid for at the Cross, which tears down divisive walls, and will come primarily through Christ and His body. Government cannot heal the wounds. Frankly, many in government don’t want racial wounds and other divisions in America healed. They work to divide us - not just racially, but in many ways - doing so for votes and power. Some have mastered the art of “identity politics” in order to maintain allegiance from various voting blocks. Sadly, this also keeps Americans divided. These efforts to separate us, fostering hatred and mistrust, are despicable and they’re actions God hates. Consider the strength of His words regarding this evil: “There are six things which the Lord HATES, yes seven which are an ABOMINATION to Him…one who spreads strife among brothers,” (Proverbs 6:16-19; NASB; emphasis mine). He actually ranks it up with murder (verse 17).
Conversely, God pronounces a special blessing on those who bring relational healing: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God,” (Matthew 5:9; NASB). “Sons” in this verse is not the typical word for children, but is huios, the word associated with offspring that have matured to the point they can be trusted with the family’s authority and resources. They are fully matured sons and daughters. “The peacemakers, the healers, they are those I can trust with My authority,” the Father says.
I believe God has many sons and daughters ready to bring His peace: mature, healthy, humble, servant-hearted, and free of personal agendas. Holy Spirit will use them to heal the wounds that divide us - in the church and then in the nation. It is now a kairos, opportune time for this, and Holy Spirit seems to be especially focused on the First Nations people.
Revival to Native Americans
When I informed the arrowhead donor, Stanley King, of my plans for these artifacts, he was excited. Stanley loves and prays for the First Nations people regularly. Here is a portion of his response:
“I was so happy to learn that the Native American spiritual leader from Alaska, Mary Glacier, is praying a special prayer over these artifacts. It seems especially fitting, because the arrowheads were created by the original American people, among which she belongs. And also, because Chuck Pierce prophesied this year that the firstfruits of this great harvest we are praying into would come from the original Americans, those to whom God first entrusted America.”
Chuck is not the only leader to have predicted revival would come to the Native American people, nor is he the first. A respected evangelist you may have heard of, Billy Graham, also spoke of this. Mary Glacier actually referenced one of his statements before her prayer. Here is a quote from Dr. Graham regarding God’s plans for the Native American people:
“The greatest moments of Native History may lie ahead of us if a great spiritual renewal and awakening should take place. The Native American has been a sleeping giant. He is awakening. The original Americans could become the evangelists who will help win America for Christ! Remember these forgotten people!”(1)
Mary Glacier’s Prayer
My heart was deeply stirred as I listened and agreed with Mary’s prayer at Cape Henry. It has now been transcribed, and I want you also to hear it and agree with her. It will be today’s prayer and decree. Mary said:
“In Jesus’ Name, I pray over every single one of these arrowheads. Each of them has been touched by the First Nations people - who knows how many years ago - but God has now brought them into our hands for this season.
“Hear our petitions, God, and touch these arrowheads with Your destiny for this nation. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, return our land toward covenantal First Nations roots, and restore a righteous destiny. As we, First Nations people, have forgiven the traumas of the past, we set our faces forward to march shoulder to shoulder as one family with the governmental family of God, the Ekklesia, full of the Holy Ghost and power.
“We will no longer allow false breaches to separate us. We will not walk in woundedness from the past. We will not look back, but we will look ahead and move forward to our destiny.
“Let the voice of the warriors in every state resound with power and authority. Let the love of Christ be our bond of unity. The sleeping giant is waking up and getting to her feet, and Your voice, Lord, is beginning to resound in the mouth of the Ekklesia. The lions are roaring again, and the lions are full of Holy Ghost power.
“Even as the First Nations leaders have been anointing, commissioning, teaching, praying, and empowering; as we in Alaska in the Kingdom Alliance Network, are sending out and commissioning native leaders; as Bill Pagaran, our Tlingit evangelist has been praying on Sleeping Lady mountain to awaken the sleeping giant, that sleeping giant IS awakening and shaking her mane. As King’s Chapel is right now having an indigenous awakening conference, empowering the First Nations; as Chuck Pierce has already had a First Nations gathering in April in the Miracle Center; and as California is now having another gathering of the First Nations; so the Native Americans are waking up NOW! They are getting to their feet NOW! They’re beginning to declare NOW!
“And as we send out these arrowheads, let the land shake with the destiny You have determined for it, and let every Native voice begin to resound with power! Let every Native voice begin to declare over the nation of America, ‘Awaken! Awaken! Awaken! Get to your feet! Get ready now, for the King is coming! The King is coming! The King is coming!’”
[Mary then begins prophetically declaring to the church.]
“This is a now time! It is the time for you to shake off the clothes of the past. It is time for you to link arms with the church. It is time for you to stand to your feet with boldness and courage. There is no more hesitation. There is no more brokenness that will hold you back. There is no more trauma, no more lies of the enemy that will hold you back. You carry the fire of God in your belly, and you carry the arrows of the Lord in your mouth. And as we bury these arrowheads in every single state, then every state is given the opportunity to partner with their First Nations, to move ahead past old traumas, and to begin to walk into a fresh victory!
“In the Name of Jesus, amen.”
A Great Report
Wonderful reports are coming in regarding the placing of these arrowheads. I conclude today’s post with a statement from our friends, Lon and Teresa Stokes, in Washington state:
“Ceci and Dutch… just a report from the far side of the Nation. Powerful prayer and covenant declarations are being made here in Washington State…3 arrowheads buried and 3 to go…we’re off to the Canadian border today as well as the largest native reservation in WA. God’s presence is so over this!!
“Thanks for your continued heart to see our nation be what God intended it to be…no matter what! It’s absolutely going to happen! Holy Spirit is clear, direct and is moving over the generations of Washington State!
“Blessings and Forward with the Foreword.”
Click on the link below to watch the full video.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. “Inside the Archives: Native American Headdress” The Billy Graham Library. Accessed August 25, 2023. https://billygrahamlibrary.org/blog-archives-native-american-headdress/#