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August 27, 2024

A Million Women, Part 2

Today’s post is a transcript of my interview with my good friend Lou Engle. Lou is founder of The Call and Lou Engle Ministries. God has anointed Lou to convene large gatherings, filling stadiums to pray and fast. As I shared in yesterday’s post, on October 12, 2024, A Million Women will gather on the Mall in Washington, D.C., to pray and fast for America.

Here is that interview with Lou sharing his heart about this strategic, upcoming event.

(If you usually read the post while also listening, today I encourage you to only listen or read; not both. I have edited the transcript so it will be easier to understand. Therefore, it will not follow the exact wording of the video or audio post.)


Dutch’s Interview with "A Million Women" Convener, Lou Engle:


Hello, thank you so much for joining me today for Give Him 15. I told you yesterday I would have a very special guest on today’s post, a guest you would not want to miss. That is my very dear friend Lou Engle, who founded The Call, which held so many events with millions of people gathered from around the nations. I participated in many of those with him. Lou and I have run together for decades. (We’re young, but we’ve run together for decades.) We have committed to one another, even covenanted, to run together to see this nation turned back to God. And Lou’s with us today. I’m gonna basically turn him loose. I want him to share his vision and heart for the event coming up on the Washington D.C. Mall, October 12th, [2024] one more day that God has planned to turn this nation. And I want him to be able to share unencumbered. I won’t say much. I just want him to take off. So here is my friend, Lou Engle. 


Dutch, it’s so good to be with you. I think it was in the late nineties or 2000, we made that covenant together. You wrapped the American flag around my shoulders, I gave you my coat, and I think we’re still bound together. I am just so moved even thinking about our journey together. We’re just bound together for America. 


I agree, man. 


And you know, it was 24 years ago, September 2, 2000, when literally 400,000 young people gathered to fast and pray on the [Washington] D.C. Mall. This came out of the Promise Keepers gathering. Our word was always this, from Derek Prince, when there’s no hope for a nation, when there is no remedy, God still has a holy prescription. Blow the trumpet in Zion, call a fast, gather all the peoples in humility, let them cry out, spare your people, O God (Joel 2:15-17). And the promise is that He would restore the land, and He would pour out His spirit on all flesh (verses 18-32). I’ve never left that word from Derek Prince. And that’s why we’ve done these gatherings over the years. 

Probably 77,000 people gathered on 7/7/2007 in Nashville, TN, at Titan Stadium. Dutch, there you released a message of “sevening” America, “divorcing” Baal, and “marrying” the Lord. And now we’re seven years into a new “sevening” period. And on that day (October 12, 2024), Dutch, we’re going to stand with a million women and their Mordecais to say, “God, the blood of Jesus is more powerful than all the ideologies that are sweeping into our nation.” 

So, I’ll share briefly the story. It really started in 2014. I was in a gathering and what I would call a “prophetic explosion” took place for two hours. And one of the words was this, “Like Promise Keepers, a million women will go to the Mall in D.C. It will be the last stand.” 

Sometimes we need to be shocked by prophecies (prophetic words). At times, we just blow them off. If it is a last stand for America, then maybe this is indeed that moment. Many people think that we are in a “defining moment,” even in the upcoming elections. If so, then this could be a last stand. These women will come in the spirit of Jeremiah 9. Death has climbed through our windows, children are being cut off, those playing outside and the young men in our streets (verse 21). Literally! “Cut off” is the word for literally cutting off (karath)(1). There is a “cutting off” of our children as occurs in transgenderism. We cut them off in the womb, and now we’re cutting them off in our schools and our ideologies. Something’s got to shift right here and now. The million women will come in the spirit of Jeremiah 9:21; they will cry out, and save America. I’ve lived under the shadow of that prophecy since 2014, daring to believe there would come a divine moment.

And then in 2017, another divine convergence took place when witches rose up worldwide to curse President Trump. Now, you’ve got to ask the question why witches would rise up worldwide to curse President Trump. In his past, he was not necessarily a moral man. I do think he has some amazing character to stand up to all the fire that he’s gone through, but you’ve got to ask the question, “Why would witches curse him?” 

These are my thoughts: Maybe the spiritual realm understood, more than the pulpits of America, that this man was a threat to the blood altar of Roe v. Wade. And if that blood altar fell, it would give us a moment, a window of opportunity. I’ve even been preaching this, Dutch, that when Roe v. Wade ended, the womb of America would open. We prayed, “God, end abortion, send revival to America!” That was our prayer for 18 years, standing and praying in front of the Supreme Court. 

I also think the spirit realm may have understood that this man (President Trump) would connect us with Israel for such a time as this. 

So I went to the mountains, Estes Park, Colorado, for three days to fast and pray, asking God, “Do you want me to mobilize prayer concerning these witches rising up?” And on the third night, I have one of the most epic dreams of my whole life. (Dutch, you and I are the ultimate dream guys. We believe that God speaks and creates movements.) In this dream, as far as I could see, women were coming from everywhere; young and old. And they were all coming to hear the book of Esther taught. In the dream, as I’m looking at this, I said, “This is a women’s revival! I’m looking at a massive women’s movement, with the spirit of Esther, that will be raised up to break witchcraft.” And in the dream, I’m the only man there; with an old ancient Bible. In the interpretation of the dream, I think the Lord was saying this to me, “I’m giving you an ancient calling of Mordecai to mobilize what you were looking at: a massive women’s Esther movement that will break the witchcraft fueling the ideologies coming into America.”

(Back to the dream)

In the dream, a woman stands up and teaches from the book of Esther. While doing so, she says, “And these two words in the book of Esther actually mean Nazgul.” I explode out of the dream, instantly knowing what it means because I watched the “Lord of The Rings” movie, the third part, where the Nazgul witch king is destroying the armies of men and says, “No man can kill me.” But (in the movie) the king’s daughter takes off her helmet, lets her hair down, and says, “I am no man,” and she pierces the Nazgul witch king. 

I explode out of the dream knowing there is coming a women’s movement connected with the Mordecais, (men and women, but targeting women) who are going to rise up and challenge the witchcraft, the ideologies of the spirit. And not only that, they will challenge the education systems where these ideologies are trying to destroy our children. The brilliance of God is that He would reach into a movie I watched years ago and slam it into the present moment through a dream, to give us faith that maybe we’re in a moment where we are like Promise Keepers, who put a million men on the mall. Dutch, we put 450,000 young people on the Mall in 2000. Maybe God’s wrapping it all up with a massive, Esther women’s movement, at a time that is the last stand. 

Esther had been named after the goddess Ishtar. Ishtar, also called Ashtoreth, was a goddess in Canaan. The land was controlled by that spirit. Esther is named after Ishtar, and is living in a culture under the dominion of that spirit. Ishtar was the goddess of sexual immorality, pornography, and transgenderism. (Read The Return of The Gods by Jonathan Cahn; you will see America in that picture.) So here Esther is, literally sex trafficked. She’s an orphan, adopted by a man (her uncle) who has a heart for the woman. Her Hebrew name was Hadassah (Esther 2:7), but she is also Esther. Maybe she’s having an identity issue. What happens though, is that God, (represented by Mordecai) cares for her heart. Men must rise up and care for the heart of women who have been wounded. They’re gonna find their voice, if we give our care and heart for them. And with Esther, there comes a time, as he’s caring for her heart, she becomes the queen. And he says to her at a certain moment, “Sweetheart, I understand the challenge of your soul, but there comes a time that you can’t live out of your pain. You’ve got to step into your prophecy to change and shape a whole nation.”

I think she understood this. I think she understood that when Haman cast lots (Esther 3) to see when to kill the Jews, he was tapping into divination to fuel his ideology of anti-Semitism. And she understood you cannot break divination by politics. You have to break it with massive fasting and prayer, which Mordecai called for. Esther broke it in the spirit through that three-day fast, but she still had to go public. And I believe women are going to do so today. They’re going into the education systems, and into the political realm. Mothers are going to give birth spiritually to 100,000 salvations in the LGBT movement. We believe Ishtar is going to be nullified in measure and there’s gonna be a jailbreak, a new Jesus movement, when a million women go to the mall, Esthers, and take communion. Can you imagine a million people, and millions online? 

Who would have guessed when we began to mobilize this, that October 7th would take place and worldwide anti-Semitism would break out, as in Esther’s day. Brothers and sisters, this is not just an accident. God is setting the stage for a massive showdown. When He offered up His blood on Passover, He didn’t just save families, He judged the gods of Egypt. Principalities and powers were dislodged by the power of the blood. And when we gather on the Day of Atonement, October 12th, for 10 hours of fasting and prayer, it will be a spiritual court case. The Day of Atonement was literally a court case for the nation of Israel when they went into judgment or into mercy. And I believe a court case has been set on that day; we must get the verdict of mercy! We must get a verdict of mercy! The root of mercy that you preached for years, Dutch, the root of mercy. 

And here’s what I’m also thinking. Haman was a political leader (Esther 3:1). He was the avatar (an avatar is a host, embodying another); he was the host of that spirit of Ishtar. That’s how he was loosing his ideologies. Today, we’re in an election where there are avatars, there are hosts carrying the spirit of Ishtar for the offering up of our children: to transgenderism, sexual perversion, and abortion.

We are in a showdown. We believe that on this day, something could shift. When Esther says, “I’ve come into the Kingdom for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). We will gather by the thousands on the mall in D.C., daring to believe that God is gonna loose a new Jesus movement, a new awakening and revival, (which is already beginning), and a stand that could literally shift elections. Our stand is not against people, but against spirits that are releasing ideologies. There will also be massive repentance. 

And, by the way, how can you vote for those who are the avatars of the very things you’ve been repenting for as a nation? I believe we’ve come to a court case - the books are open, the court is seated, and a decision is going to be made on behalf of the saints of the Most High (Daniel 7:22). Bring together men and women for such a time as this. That’s the story.


Lou, it’s just incredible. I’m having trouble talking I'm so moved by what you’re saying. I feel we’ve come to a point in time where we can turn this nation. I feel God will use this event as one of the final, important days He has brought us to, to turn this nation. I’m not saying it will all be finished. I’m just saying it’s a part of the finish, and it’s huge. I’ve been to many of these large events, and I’ll be at this one. 

I just want to encourage our listeners to participate in the October 12 event in whatever way possible - including men, not just women. I am hoping that thousands of men will be there just to support these Esthers, and I know you feel the same way. 

Lou, I would like for you to finish this post with prayer for the nation, for this event, and whatever God has on your heart. 


Well, I want to just say that Dutch, I’ve asked that on October, 12th, if you would bring us into a covenant renewal moment similar to what we did as individuals now on 7/7/2007 in Nashville. 

Now we’re in a real crisis moment for Israel and for the world. So in the name of Jesus, Lord, we pray that You would cause the church to wake up to the crisis, a last stand reality. That God, there would be a sound that those who have been prepared will be able to hear. That sound is saying, “For such a time as this, you’ve come into the Kingdom.” I pray that You would do what we cannot do, blow the trumpet. God, You can release the sound. We don’t even know what’s going to happen in the next 50 days. Lord, perhaps, even a crisis. So we just cry out to you, Lord. 

We know that You’ve ordained these dreams. We’ve believed them. Now we ask that You set them in motion. Let the bones rattle. Call to D.C. buses and airplanes; bring them from the north, south, east and the west, to stand before You and before the blood of the Lamb that speaks a better word. Lord, we give You praise and thanks for this in Jesus name. Amen. 

And Dutch, I want to give thanks. Just two weeks ago, I had no money. I prayed one day, “God, if we don’t get money now, it’s over.” That day, I get a phone call. In five days, two million dollars exploded forth. And I knew the Lord was with us; I just knew the Lord was with us. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. So I want people to believe that God is moving right now, but we must move with Him. Amen, I love you, Dutch. 


I love you, too. And what’s the website they can go to to sow into this, Lou? 

Lou: And then we’re also doing something that is a public stand - women and mothers fighting for their children. It’s called don’t mess with our Don' It’s important that we don’t just pray. We have got to go public, take a stand. 



Well, amen. Ceci and I have sown into this event and we’ll probably do more, but I just encourage you, friends of GH15, get on board. I know that to do an event like this on the D.C. Mall will cost several million dollars. Lou puts himself out in faith every time God asks him to do one of these large events, and He just comes through, and He blesses through people like you. 

Lou, thank you so much. This has been so powerful. 

And thank you all for joining us today. Lou and I may do another longer podcast in the future to talk about some of these things in a little more depth and detail. 

Thank all of you for joining us today on Give Him 15, and thank you, Lou. 

Please join us again tomorrow. 

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3772.

2 commentaires

Karen Marie Tobias
Karen Marie Tobias
28 août 2024

ABSOLUTELY amazing messages today and yesterday. Love, One of the Esthers for "such a time as this." God's peace.


27 août 2024

Amen and Amen!!!!! Great message and report!!!!!

God is in total control !!!!!


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