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August 23, 2024

Changing America

God wasted no time before introducing the all-important concept of government in Scripture, doing so in the very first chapter: Genesis 1:26-28. Government is vital. Whether it be in a home, city, nation, or any other grouping of people, God’s intent for government was that it serve people by providing protection (covering), instruction, justice, appropriate and loving discipline, peace, and more (Luke 13:34; 19:44; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Romans 13:1-4). Righteous rule (government) is God’s primary method of releasing these necessary actions and outcomes on earth. Proverbs 29:2 tells us that this brings joy to people; when it does not occur,  the result is mourning. No wonder He told us to pray first for those in government! (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

The Hebrew word used for “mourn” in Proverbs 29:2, that which occurs when the wicked rule, is a strong word. Anach means not only to mourn, but to moan and groan, even to gasp.(1) Moaning, groaning, gasping, and mourning - that’s what wicked rulers produce. Proverbs 14:34 adds that the sin these rulers produce causes shame and disgrace to a nation. 

The controlling element of America’s current ungodly government has brought disgrace and mourning by believing it has the right to: 

  • Kill babies and make those who believe this is murder pay for the abortions

  • Approve the selling of the aborted babies’ body parts (are you gasping yet?)

  • Allow babies born alive during failed abortions to lay unattended until they die  

  • Redefine what it means to be male and female

  • Reject the first covenant God established on earth, marriage, and redefine it using activities He forbade (and celebrate this rebellion with cheering, flags, nudity, and lit-up government buildings)

  • Take ownership of children from their parents; they indoctrinate them using pornography and drag queens, even to the point of encouraging the children to be sterilized by drugs or castration (are you mourning yet?)

  • Open our borders to drugs that kill tens of thousands every year, to criminals, rapists, and terrorists, and to millions of illegals annually who are never taught our laws, history, and values (all for votes to stay in power)

  • Promote Marxism and socialism

  • Rewrite America’s history, attempting to steal our Judeo-Christian roots 

  • Redefine our Constitution

  • Remove our freedom of speech

  • Lie to us at will

  • And much more.

What if I told you the American church could easily change all of this? Yep. You see, approximately half of evangelicals aren’t registered to vote, and half of those who are still don’t vote. It is an accepted fact that if all evangelical Christians voted and did so according to biblical values, we could control every national election and place godly, Bible-believing leaders in office. This means that in one election cycle, we could begin reversing every evil I just listed. Every one. In America, “we the people” have the amazing right to place in power who we want to rule over us; “we the believers” have the numbers to ensure they’ll be leaders who possess God’s biblical values. 

Let me be more specific. Yours and my votes, based on biblical truth, could save the lives of babies, the reproductive future of children, God’s plan for marriage and the family, and America’s freedoms - almost overnight. 

But “we the believers” don’t do so. We empower evil by not voting or by voting inappropriately. Why? Complacency - not voting; a dislike and distaste for the political process and political spirit; succumbing to the political spirit and voting based on party affiliation; and compromising biblical truth by voting based on party affiliation, personalities, and promises of personal benefits, rather than voting based on truth and the good of all. 

How can we change this? Here is a helpful tool. is an informative website that has done the work for you! It is a wonderful one-stop-shop website where the Christian voter can be educated, informed, prepared, and ready to go to the polls. There, you can find information concerning upcoming elections, articles about upcoming bills in Congress you need to be aware of, and much more. If you follow their prompts, you can even find out if you are registered to vote, info on absentee voting, where to vote near you; and if you are NOT yet registered to vote, their links will take you directly to the right link in YOUR state where can register to vote online, right then! Additionally, they provide simple ways to engage with those who represent us in our State and U.S. Congresses. You can do all of this from home!


Here are a few of the many tools the website offers:


My Voter Hub - check your registration, receive a text voting reminder, order an absentee ballot, see your ballot ahead of time - who is on it, what they stand for - and mark your sample ballot to take to the polls with you, and more. 

Contact Your Elected Officials - simple instructions for composing an email regarding your concerns and the ability to send it with one click to whichever of your representatives you would like to contact

Think Biblically - a 6-week Bible study course on topics in the public square, presented by Christian influencers, such as Voddie Baucham on Justice, and Abby Johnson on Abortion


This year My Faith Votes is also running a simple, yet very impactful Get Out the Vote campaign to influence Christians who aren’t currently participating in important elections. It’s called Write Now. Engaged Christians from all 50 states can write to and pray for disengaged Christians in the key swing states, encouraging them to vote. These disengaged Christians are identified as already registered, pro-life and pro-traditional family, but do not vote consistently. Through these letters, you can encourage them to vote for their biblical values. Simultaneously, My Faith Votes sends digital ads to these recipients. Their prior campaigns reveal that through this Write Now campaign, they see a significant lift in the number of Christians who vote. This non-partisan effort is not political; it is biblical. 

My Faith Votes has the current names/addresses of hundreds of thousands of Christians in key swing states who are registered voters, pro-life, pro-traditional family, who either don’t vote, or are inconsistent in doing so. If you’d like to help change this, you can go to this direct link: They will supply a free digital packet with complete, easy-to-follow information, including a letter they have already written for you. You will simply supply the printing of the letter, envelope, and stamp, along with a prayer for the recipient. You will only use your first name and last initial for the return address. Your privacy is of utmost importance. 


This has resulted in a 20%-50% increase in those who go to the polls. You will have a positive effect with the letters you send. Nationally, My Faith Votes has helped generate thousands of biblically motivated votes, helping turn elections. Think about it - with a couple of hours of your time and a few dollars, you can help elect righteous and godly leaders. Please consider getting behind this! Hold writing parties. Involve your church or other groups!  

If you’re interested in helping, they also have extensive tools for CHURCHES, including multi-media, bulletin inserts, and much more.  

Let’s all do our part to encourage people to vote for leaders with traditional and biblical values. 

Pray with me:

Father, we thank You for the awakening happening in the church. The sleeping giant is stirring. Cause the alarm clock to become louder and louder. Make it impossible for Christians in America to silence the alarm or override it with other activities and thoughts. 


Our hearts, though breaking over many issues, are also filled with faith that You are changing things dramatically. The conscience of a nation is being brought back to life. The heart of a complacent and passive church is being, and will continue to be, awakened. Thank You for Your grace and Your mercy. 

And Father, as believers awaken from complacency and lethargy, motivate them to vote. Give organizations like My Faith Votes great participation and success as they implement Your creative ideas. We ask You to lead many people to participate in their efforts. Thank You for turning this nation around. We are very grateful that You have not given up on America. And since You have not given up on her, we won’t either. Your verdict has been rendered: America shall be saved! So be it. And we, Your family, will do our part to see this occur. In Christ’s name, we pray this. Amen.


Our decree:


We declare that we, the church, will involve ourselves at every level and in every facet of government, releasing the authority and blessing of God into the earth through our prayers and actions.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 584.

1 Comment

Aug 23, 2024

Amen and Amen!! I just pray the good lord God Jesus to open the American peoples eyes!!!! This so call joy and what ever else their calling it will turn to a lot more of the same but alot worse!!!!! If she and the deep state win. Their want be no joy for the middle class or poor people.... The people that vote for her and the deep state will regret it, Big time!!!!!!! I ready that Christains and gun owner want register or vote! Don't make no since... I've always heard if you don't Vote then don't complain when they take away your rights!!!!!!!! No more FREEDOM under DEEP STATE rules! Kamale will be just another Joe Biden to…

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