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August 21, 2024


I received an encouraging word from Larry Sparks, a revivalist and publisher with Destiny Image, regarding the upcoming Healing Summit in Middletown, Ohio. He believes it is part of Holy Spirit’s plan to release sudden outpourings throughout the world. Larry graciously agreed to write an entire article communicating the revelation he was receiving. You will enjoy it. Larry’s title:


Multiplied Miracles, Mantles, and Outpourings


These three words: Space, Setups, and “Suddenlies” speak of what we are entering this Fall in the spirit. When we give the Holy Spirit space to do whatever He wants, we are being setup to experience “suddenly” outpourings of God’s presence and power.  


Coming up is a significant event that is giving space for the Holy Spirit to move and will serve as a setup for both America and the nations to experience “suddenly” outbreaks of Holy Spirit. On August 30, Tim Sheets is hosting a one-night Healing Summit at Oasis Church in Middletown, Ohio. I’ve had a strong sense of expectation that the Lord is going to use this night as a forerunner gathering, and have been praying almost daily for it. It’s a pioneering meeting meant to break something open and, like a domino effect, spiritually shift the nations.


I believe the meeting will serve as a prophetic prototype for what’s possible in the days ahead; it is not just for the Oasis Church. There is a fresh and growing expectation that as we gather together in one accord, He will come. 


I’m convinced that as we give the Spirit more space, as Tim is doing, we will witness more results—specifically, the following three supernatural effects:


Effect 1 - Multiplied Notable Miracles


“Notable miracles” is a phrase that has captured my attention. Early in the Book of Acts, we see how a single “notable miracle,” the lame man outside of the Gate Beautiful, captured the attention of the onlooking world (Acts 3). Yes, it caused controversy and division, but above all, it pointed people to the undeniable reality of the Risen Messiah. 


It’s time to once again create spaces for the Holy Spirit to move in miracle-working power. This is Heaven’s timeless response to doctrines of demons such as humanism, atheism, and the vain philosophies of a post-modern, post-Christian era.   


I believe this Healing Summit is going to be like a shovel that digs through and hits a bubbling spring of healing miracles. Our nation is desperate to witness an authentic, pure demonstration of the miraculous. Not hype. Not smoke and mirrors. We are crying out for undeniable displays of God’s power, causing people to fall on their faces and cry out to God.


Effect 2 - Multiplied Miracle Mantles Released


Leaders, fathers, and mothers…if your eyes have seen the miracles of God and your hands have released the supernatural power of the Spirit, it’s time for you to freely give what you have freely received.


I see a multiplication of miracle mantles being released through the laying on of hands. Every follower of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, has in their hands miracle-working power. Being used to release miracles is not reserved for the platform minister. Certainly, God has raised up notable vessels for miracles in times past, such as Kathryn Kuhlman, John G. Lake, and Smith Wigglesworth. But the same Spirit inside Wigglesworth, Kuhlman, and Lake is in each of us.


Take it a step further: The same Holy Spirit that saturated Peter so that his shadow brought healing and deliverance is in us (Acts 5:15). The same Spirit of power that saturated Paul and caused articles of his clothing (that he wore while making tents) to release extraordinary miracles also lives in us (Acts 19). Yes,  I’m impressed by the healings and deliverances that took place because of Peter’s shadow and Paul’s clothing–but I am more provoked by the truth that it’s possible to be that saturated by the Holy Spirit.


Every believer contains Holy Spirit’s power. I also believe that the elementary doctrine of the laying on of hands (see Hebrews 6:2) is a powerful way we catalyze believers to step into a whole new dimension and demonstrate this miraculous flow. This is what I see happening at the Oasis Healing Summit and other gatherings of the like. I see spiritual leaders, mothers and fathers who have been used as catalysts for the miraculous, laying their hands on every believer hungry to be used by God in this supernatural capacity…causing a mighty release of multiplied miracle anointings.   


Effect 3 - Outpourings that Transform Territories


In Acts 9:32-35, a paralyzed man was healed. I believe this is a significant portion of Scripture for the Healing Summit and for every single believer burning to see God-given, regional transformation at levels we have not yet experienced. 


With good intentions, we’ve tried using the “Greatest Hits” of our Church Growth handbooks. We’ve experimented with Christian gimmicks and spiritual entertainment of all sorts, motivated by an often genuine desire to bring the maximum amount of people to Jesus. The results, unfortunately, have been minimal. God is good and will work through some of these methods because He desires to see people born again and transformed. But why settle for a trickle of Holy Spirit activity when we can experience a mighty rushing river?

This passage in Acts 9:32-35 speaks of a notable miracle, where a bedridden, paralyzed man named Aeneas is miraculously healed. Admittedly, I often camp out on the more explosive parts of this story: the amazing miracle of this paralyzed man being healed, or the powerful decree that Peter made which released the healing (“Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you!”), or the drama of it being instant and overt (“immediately, he got up”). 


For too long, I focused exclusively on the miracle of Aeneas’ healing and not on the fruit it produced. The final verse of this passage was recently burned into my heart when I considered what Aeneas’ healing miracle catalyzed territorially: “So ALL who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord” (v. 35). All who lived in two entire territories saw the man who received a notable miracle, and did what? Turned to the Lord!  


Here are a few things to remember as we pursue the miraculous: 

1) Do not be ashamed of pursuing miracles, making space for God’s supernatural power to manifest, or operating in the gifts of the Spirit. 

 2) Do not be discouraged by religious voices that say, “Pursuing miracles is chasing God’s hand; instead, we are supposed to be pursuing His face.”  Time after time, throughout the Psalms, we see the interconnectedness between the nature of God (His face) and the works of God (His hand); His miracles reveal Who He is! 

3) Finally, we must not discount the miraculous as secondary, trivial or unimportant. The very thing that causes some of the unnecessary controversy in Christianity today—signs, wonders and miracles—is what has the potential to cause the greatest regional and territorial revival.


Where our noble efforts have failed in securing territorial Kingdom transformation, notable miracles performed by the hands of everyday believers, both young and old, will be catalysts for this level of supernatural breakthrough.  Miracles performed in our church sanctuaries and the marketplace, at high school lockers and in college dorm rooms, at sporting events and in the local grocery store; Miracles that provoke; Miracles that confront; Miracles that cause once-skeptical agnostics to fall on their faces, crying out to the Lord; Miracles that stir a commotion in regions, placing a demand on the local churches to host more gatherings, preach more truth, and be ready to receive far more conversions.


Make more space for Holy Spirit to move miraculously. When you give Him space to move, you are creating setups for God to release “suddenly” outpourings. And remember, “suddenlies” have been known to release Day of Pentecost sounds over territories, sounds that draw in the multitudes and cause thousands to be born again. 


Pray with me:


Lord, we give You space in our lives to do whatever You want. Cause us to recognize and step into Your divine setups so we can experience “suddenly” outpourings of Your Spirit in our lives.


We ask that every believer will be used to release miracles, signs, and wonders.  We ask that miracles be demonstrated in the name of Jesus to break open entire cities, regions, and even nations for the Gospel. Lord, use each one of us. We stir up Your anointing within us. Cause us to be so saturated with Holy Spirit that we would be demonstrators of Your gospel through miracles and healings.


Our decree:


We decree that notable miracles are breaking out in America and across the nations, causing entire territories to be saved and transformed by the power of God.  


Today’s post was contributed by our friend Larry Sparks, a publisher with Destiny Image. You can find out more about Larry including his great book entitled Pentecostal Fire, at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

1 comentário

Membro desconhecido
04 de dez. de 2024

What a motivational message! The excitement surrounding the Healing Summit is aptly captured by Larry Sparks' ideas on making slope game room for the Holy Spirit to work. I'm excited to see the breakthroughs and strong outpourings that will occur when we come together as one. Let's continue to pray for a night in Middletown that will change everything!

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