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August 11, 2018

Here We Go…

“Kavanaugh Hearings to Begin September 4”, read the headline that came through by email. Here we go, was my first thought. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (IA) expects the hearings to last three or four days. “This announcement comes after the committee has received the largest number of Executive Branch records ever for the consideration of a Supreme Court nominee. As of today, the committee has received more than 184,000 pages of records from Judge Kavanaugh’s work as a White House lawyer and his work for Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr. The committee also expects to receive hundreds of thousands of additional pages of Executive Branch documents. These records will be reviewed in addition to the 307 cases in which Judge Kavanaugh wrote an opinion as an appeals court judge, the hundreds more opinions he joined, and the more than 17,500 pages of material he provided in response to the committee’s bipartisan questionnaire…The Kavanaugh nomination has been the most transparent nomination process in history.”1

“For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” (Luke 8:17; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Righteous character is critical in a Justice of the Supreme Court of our land. It will also determine how a person will view the U. S. Constitution and how they will rule regarding it. Ask God that Judge Kavanaugh’s character be revealed in the upcoming hearings.

  2. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has presented more documents and displayed the greatest level of transparency in the history of our judicial nomination process to date. Pray Luke 8:17 above. Decree, “Truth will be revealed.”

  3. Intercede for the Senate Judiciary Committee members and their staff members as they review the huge amount of records presented by Judge Kavanaugh. Let them see what they need to see.

  4. Pray for a fair and just hearing for Judge Kavanaugh which begins September 4, 2018.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, we desire a person of your own choosing, above all else, as our next Supreme Court Justice. We expect that one to be a person of the most stellar character—truly above reproach. A judge’s character can color the way they interpret the U. S. Constitution, as well as the way they ultimately rule. Judge Kavanaugh has presented more documents than anyone else in history. Besides the necessary level of transparency, there is a huge amount of documentation to review. Grace those who will be hearing him to be able to see the most critical things. Prepare the way for a just and fair hearing for hm in September. Let Your choice alone sit on the Court. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s decree:

The open seat on the Supreme Court is reserved only for the person of God’s choosing!

1 Senate Judiciary Committee Press Release, 8/10/18.

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