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April 23, 2017

Awaken the Campuses

Something so powerful is coming to the colleges, universities, high schools, junior highs, and grade schools in America. There is a student movement of intercession coming that cannot be stopped. We declare signs and wonders, dreams and visions over this generation. God is going to launch a youth, college, and university movement that begins to challenge demonic powers. It will be a student prayer movement that begins to shake the false ideologies of universities. We say there will be a sweeping wind filling the sails of an “appeal to Heaven” movement that will be a mighty and strong movement. It will be an unstoppable prayer movement that will birth a Third Great Awakening around the world. Millions of young people will be swept into the Kingdom of God. There will be a generation that will be on fire and passionate for the things of God.

Psalm 24 says, “Who may go up to His holy dwelling place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart.” There is going to be a new move of purity among the youth, regardless of what is going on in the families of these young ones.

The hearts of the students of this nation will be set on fire for God. Those with hearts already ablaze will set others on fire like wild fire; like a match dropped on the floor of a dry forest, it will spring to life. Mentors from the older generation will show them how to use the fire, the gifts, and the desire that You’ve placed within them. There are those longing to know You, but they don’t know it’s You they are looking for. This fire will touch them and light their hearts on fire to know You, the One True God! A generation will change, campuses will change, and nations will change as a result of this move of God.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Pray, “Wind of heaven, blow across universities and high schools and shake them with Your Power and Your Glory.”

  2. Speak to the gates over the minds of our youth and call for righteousness to invade them, that the King of Glory may come in.

  3. Call by name as many colleges, universities, high schools and other schools as you can think of. Pray for prayer movements and revivals to start springing up. Pray for the birthing of a move of God in every one of them.

  4. Intercede for the mentors to get ready to embrace these young ones. Pray that they will accept them and have the wisdom from God to know what they need to impart to help them to advance this Kingdom movement in their schools and in their nations.

  5. Pray for the spiritual wildfire to begin now in the dry tinder on the ground of our campuses.

A prayer you can pray:

Blow, Wind of Heaven, over the campuses of America. Invade the minds of the students and blow away the liberal, humanistic thinking they have been infected with. We pray for prayer movements and revivals in (list every school that comes to mind). Raise up those who are willing to mentor the next generation in the things of You, holding them accountable and teaching them Your ways. Let the spiritually dry ground of the schools become tinder for revival! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the spiritual wildfire of awakening and prayer is beginning to sweep across our nation’s campuses!


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