Miracle Ignition
“His Presence is going to ignite miracles. It is going to ignite signs and wonders. It is going to ignite evangelism and the drawing of men and women to God by the millions. The first phase will be the prodigals. And, some of those are in America’s pulpits. The Church has never done some of what it is about to do.” Tim Sheets1
“Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off.’” (Acts 2:38-39a; NASB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Pray and call in the great harvest of souls. Call in the prodigals, call in the loved ones, call in the lost.
Intercede for those ministering in the pulpits of America and for those in regular church attendance, that they will be convinced that they personally know Him! Some doubt, as their faith is rooted more in tradition and service, than in real relationship with Jesus. Help them know Him.
Be ready for the prodigals to come home. Don’t judge them for their past actions! Forget all of that! Show them how thankful you are that they have come back to God! Eat a meal with them and let them rest in the love you extend to them.
A prayer you can pray:
Father! Jesus! Holy Spirit! I join You in calling for the prodigals to come back to You and the lost to come to You. I pray for those sincerely serving You who are not sure they truly know You. I pray that You would miraculously touch their hearts in a very real way and show them how real You are! Let me never judge those who come to You or who return to You. Their past is just that. I want to be a part of helping them walk with You into their future in You! In the power of Jesus’ Name, amen.
Today’s decree:
The prodigals are coming home and the lost are coming to know Him! I will welcome them!
1 Read more about Tim Sheets here.