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Kingdom of God, Come!

When you say, “Kingdom of God, come. Will of God, be,” it will manifest in your home and in your business and in your community, in your state and in this nation. You are an ambassador of the King and you will release His Kingdom authority. In the Greek, these words are in a current command tone. His will will be done! Don’t be afraid. Get out your Bible and start proclaiming!

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10; NKJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Read these verses out loud as a current command. Emphasize “come” and “be done”. Feel the difference? This was not Jesus petitioning the Father to do these things. He was teaching us to command the will of God to be done in the earth.

  2. To know the will of God and the ways of His Kingdom, look first to His Word: choose life and command abortion to end in this nation; command righteousness to flow like a river through our nation; command justice for the oppressed; command His glory to be seen across America!

  3. Command other things that He places on your heart that line up with His will and His Word.

A prayer you can pray:

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for teaching us how to pray! You did not leave us blind as to what You want us to pray for or how You want us to petition the Father. We ask for forgiveness of our sins and for our daily bread, but we command the Kingdom of God to manifest in the earth! We are enforcing the victory of the cross and resurrection when we pray with this level of confidence and trust in You! Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Today’s decree:

Kingdom of God, come! Will of God, be done in the earth, even as it is in heaven!


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