The 7 Influencers of Culture
Decades ago, Bill Bright of Campus Crusade For Christ and Loren Cunningham of Youth With A Mission, released a teaching about the 7 “influencers” of society, calling them the “pillars” a culture is built on. They were, in random order: Religion, Family, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Business, Media, and Education. Bright and Cunningham contended that whoever controls these 7 influencers will shape and control a nation.
In Matthew 28: 18-20, Jesus called this process of shaping a nation, “discipling” it. The biblical word “disciple” (mathetes) means more than a student, it is a follower of the teacher and his teachings. Bright and Cunningham realized that much of the discipling process would take place outside the confines of a religious gathering or the religion mountain. Does anyone seriously believe a church or religious organization can exert as much influence on the shaping of a culture/society as the combined efforts of these other 6 influencers? In the past 50 years, a combined effort of humanists and antichrist forces have literally reshaped - discipled - our nation.
Sadly, the teaching regarding these 7 pillars did not gain the traction it should have in the 70s because the church at the time had no paradigm for discipling a nation, only for winning souls and discipling an individual. Our goal was to prepare the individual for heaven, not bring heaven’s influence to earth. God used Lance Wallnau and others to resurrect the teaching 15-20 years ago, in which they refer to the pillars as “mountains,” and the teaching gained much traction, if only with a remnant.
This teaching is an important forerunning message for what God is about to do. The coming revival/awakening will bring to life the consciences of millions of people. The breaking of demonic influence will occur, God’s laws will be written in people’s hearts, a love and respect for Him will be in their regenerated spirits, and a desire to know Him will be strong. This will produce a hunger for God’s word, in order to know what He thinks, a hunger for truth (His Word). This fruit of revival - and only this - will give us the momentum and opportunity to reform and disciple our nation through impacting these 7 mountains.
God is preparing for this in many ways now. The exposure of corruption in our government is creating a passion for change in that mountain. The lack of integrity, lust for power, and overall ineptitude is shocking, causing many godly, patriotic Americans to vote, become active in the governmental process and run for government offices. Things are changing. But revival will give us the needed momentum to reform it.
Concern over the dishonesty of our media mountain, one of the backbones of a free nation, is now at the forefront of many Americans’ thinking. Most of our ideological and agenda-driven media simply can’t be trusted. Americans are aware of this and many have lost trust in them. In response to this, new platforms, networks, and publications are being created. Millions are listening to these new voices. The exposing of this propaganda arm of the Left is also a preparation for overall change.
There is movement in all of these 7 mountains of culture. Businesses are supporting righteous causes and realizing they must use their influence for good. Education is being scrutinized and challenged by many. Parents are realizing schools have become indoctrination centers for liberal and far left social agendas. A renewed understanding of the importance of family is growing in our land, along with an awareness that the family unit is under attack. And the church is being prepared in several ways to release its influence and disciple nations.
Another mountain which Holy Spirit is certainly preparing for this new season of reformation is Arts and Entertainment. Individuals in the movie and TV industry are coming to Christ and beginning to vocalize their faith, as well as making wholesome movies and TV shows. Mark Burnett and Roma Downey Burnett are just two examples. The gospel does not have to be shared in a movie or TV program in order for it to promote Kingdom ideals. This understanding is impacting the industry.
Many in the music industry are also being prepared for this new season. Several are coming to Christ, others are experiencing a revitalization of their faith. Some are writing songs promoting the importance of family, faith, and yes, patriotism. The worship medley by Carrie Underwood and Cece Wynans at the Academy of Country Music Awards (ACM) is a good example. The powerful performance ended with a standing ovation.
Entertainers are realizing they don’t have to be offensive and “in your face” to demonstrate their faith and release wholesome entertainment. They are also discovering that many Americans respect and honor God, decency, and our nation. I have come to believe that a great move of Holy Spirit is coming to this industry, especially to Nashville. Many in the Country Music field will come to Christ, others will return to an active walk with Him. (I will be doing a post on Nashville, which I believe pictures the coming revival, next week.)
One family that is making a great impact in the Country and Bluegrass Music field is The Isaacs, new friends of Ceci’s and mine. Though predominantly a gospel music group, they will be inducted into the Grand Ole Opry on Tuesday, September 14; one of the highest honors given to an entertainer in the Country Music field. It is even more significant that this honor is being presented to a family known for Gospel Music.
The Isaacs demonstrate the highest level of skill and professionalism and do so with great integrity and love for God. Their genuine love for people and strong passion for God and country has won the hearts of millions. Check out their music and read the gripping autobiography of matriarch Lily Isaacs, You Don’t Cry Out Loud. Her parents, survivors of Holocaust prison camps, came to America when Lily was 2 years old. I couldn’t put the book down. And if you’re close enough to Nashville, join Ceci and me in honoring them at the Grand Ole Opry next Tuesday. You’ll have a GREAT time, hear incredible music and unmatched harmony, and perhaps as importantly, support those making a difference in one of these 7 mountains of our culture. (You can get tickets to this event by going to or clicking here.)
Pray for those God is raising up in these mountains. Many of them have very challenging assignments and are in difficult fields. We all witnessed the abuse President Trump and his family received. The battle will only intensify. But Holy Spirit is preparing strong believers to make a great impact. Many will make it to the top of their mountain and have incredible influence. Shield them with prayer!
Pray with me:
Father, we see You at work, preparing for an incredible visitation in the earth. This outpouring of Your wonderful Holy Spirit will be unlike any other. A billion souls, yes, but the reforming of nations, also. Entire nations will be healed of poverty, disease, and despair as we fulfill Your command of Matthew 18:18-20.
Make us ready! Prepare those needed to lead this in the cultural mountain You’ve called them to. Give them revelation and understanding of how to shift and shape it. Cause them to be intentional in this process. And keep the intercessors on the wall. We commit to the appealing process. Our greatest joy is partnering with You. We pray these things in the name of Christ. Amen.
Our decree:
We declare Micah 4:1-2: “And it will come about in the last days that the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains. It will be raised above the hills, and the peoples will stream to it. Many nations will come and say, ‘Come and let’s go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob, so that He may teach us about His ways, and that we may walk in His paths.’ For from Zion will go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (NASB)
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