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September 23, 2020

An Empty Seat on the Supreme Court

Just before Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year that began on Friday, September 18, 2020, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at age 87. She had served on the U. S. Supreme Court for 27 years. Her passing left not just an open seat on the Court, but the opportunity to correct history and secure life, liberty, and freedom of religion for generations to come.

I do not need to tell you how significant this is. This open seat means an opportunity for America to move into a fresh new season of Life for America. It means that the right person, anointed by God for such a time as this, can help keep the U. S. Constitution from being altered or further falsely interpreted. It means that legislating from the bench might just come to an end. Plans that some may have to move America into socialism and globalism can be stopped.

One thing we can count on is that this will be a strongly contested seat. This seat will not just be contested in the natural alone. It will be demonically opposed. Those on the Left do not want it filled by a conservative. They know the stakes and they will pull out all the stops to try and keep it from happening. You have already heard bold threats and you will hear even more. You will hear all manner of twisting of communications and out-right lies. You will watch politicians, as well as those in media, entertainment, and academia trying to sway the public into causing a delay. All of this is happening even before a nominee is named!

I know that God is answering the prayers we have prayed for the last 30 years. He must love last-minute drama, because that is what we are stepping into. We will be victorious if we press in and push this through in intercession; friends, this is VERY important. The saints and the angels will be working together now, and we will see miracles if we do not lose heart. Keep your eyes on Christ and do not be swayed by everything you are hearing on the news. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Let’s make some faith-filled decrees together and spend time in prayer releasing the will of God for the SCOTUS! God is orchestrating one of the most significant moments in our lifetime to date.

“Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.” (1 Kings 18:37; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Even more significantly than being a Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a mother and a grandmother. Pray for her grieving family. Ask the Lord to comfort them and reveal His love to them.

  • Ask God to help President Trump nominate the exact right person for this Supreme Court seat. He has said it would be a woman. Decree, “The open SCOTUS seat may only be occupied by the woman God has raised up for such a time as this!”

  • Decree, “A culture honoring Life is returning to America, and Roe v Wade will be overturned!”

  • Proclaim, “The U. S. Constitution will be honored again and will be a secure foundation for many more generations of Americans to come!”

  • Despite the desperate warfare we are about to see, cling to the hope that light is on its way for America! Declare, “We will not judge by what we see and hear in the natural. The chaos will make people desperate for Jesus. Awakening is coming to America!”

A prayer you can pray:

Father, we are in awe of You and Your ways. We begin by praying for the family of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was first a woman—a mother and a grandmother. They will feel her loss intensely and we ask that You would comfort all those who loved her. We pray that in Your compassionate nature You would make Yourself known to them.

In Your grace, You have opened an historic opportunity for America now. An open seat on the Supreme Court means there is another opportunity to place a new justice on the Court. President Trump has promised to place a woman in that seat who has strong conservative values and who will uphold the U. S. Constitution. We ask that this would be a God-fearing woman. Lord, we pray that the open SCOTUS seat may only be occupied by the woman You have raised up for such a time as this!

We have prayed for many decades in accordance with Your Word that Life be honored in America once again. Therefore, we say, “A culture honoring Life is returning to America, and Roe v Wade will be overturned by the Supreme Court!” Additionally, we pray that the U. S. Constitution will be honored again and will be a secure foundation for many more generations of Americans to come! The enemy and those on the political left are going to oppose this with everything they can muster. Lord, help us to stay focused on You and cling to the hope that light is on its way for America. We will not judge by what we see and hear in the natural. The chaos will make people desperate for You. We declare, “Awakening is coming to America!” We stand in faith believing for all these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The open Supreme Court seat is reserved for the person whom God has chosen!


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