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September 12, 2018

The Importance of Prayer Coupled With Voting

“Cheryl and I have been praying and prophesying into civil government since 2003.  Our involvement in government came through a dream Cheryl had in November of that year.  We have worked in both state and national assignments to see America return to its Christian roots.  Since 2000, His Ekklesia (the Church) has seen great victory through prayer and action. We have also seen times in which we lost ground through our inaction.  In 2008, the night of the election in which Obama took office, Wolfe Blitzer of CNN said this, ‘If the evangelicals could get their act together, they could run this nation.’  This is so true. According to Psalm 115:16, He has given the earth to the sons of men. At this time, we have gained ground on both state and national levels. Now it’s time to go into prayer war mode again.  We cannot back off or rest during this midterm election.” (Ken Malone)1

“The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to mankind.” (Psalms 115:16; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Ponder Psalm 115:16 in light of taking responsibility for the earthly environment in which you want to raise your children and grandchildren.

  2. Are you tired of the atmosphere that actively tries to shut Christians up, allows homosexuality and transgender activities, and promotes abortion?

  3. Decide to take responsibility for the part of the earth realm the Lord has given to you as your arena of influence – your family, your neighborhood, your schools, your city, your state, and this nation.

  4. Ask God how you can pray for each of your areas of influence.

  5. Intercede for the Church to wake up, pray and vote!

  6. Encourage your Christian friends to vote. You can start by posting this link on Facebook. You can click on the various tabs (Senate, House, Governor, State) to see your state’s races.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, You have made it pretty clear in Your Word that You want Your people to involve themselves in the things of the earth. You gave us the earth for our provision, but you also want us to involve ourselves in the matters of the earth, such as in government. Just like we would relegate the earth to weeds and pollution if we did not nurture it, so we relegate culture to humanism and Godlessness if we ignore government.  We eat the fruit of what we refuse to take dominion over in accordance with Genesis 1:28. I choose to engage the culture in my family, my neighborhood, the schools near me, my city, my state, and this nation. Teach me to pray over each of these areas within my sphere of  influence. I call the Church to wake up! Intercede! Get to the polls and vote, lest what we abdicate rules over us! I choose to encourage my family and friends in this as well, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

We call America’s Christians to pray and vote!

1 Learn more about Ken Malone here.


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