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October 6, 2018

Give Him 15 is joining a 40-day national call to prayer before the 2018 Midterm Elections. Here is today’s Focus:

Day 9 – Religious Freedom: God in the Public Square

“If anyone acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person before my Father in heaven. But if anyone denies me here on earth, I will deny that person before my Father in heaven.”

(Luke 19:32-33; NIV)

Can you imagine an America where you can only worship, pray, learn about God, and talk openly about Him inside a designated, state-sanctioned building? Such is life for some believers in other nations worldwide. Sadly, we are seeing more and more silencing of Christians in this Christian nation.

Some Christians in America will relegate themselves to a position of safety inside of their homes, Christian schools, and church buildings anyway. We have to make a decision: are we going to hide our faith or share it? If we don’t talk about Jesus, the nation will become increasingly lost. If we stay silent on issues, our nation will become more anti-Christian. If we don’t vote, those who govern will continue to take actions that limit our religious freedom, stifle our voices and actions, and put judges in place that legislate from the bench. If we don’t run for office, how can we expect legislation that is in alignment with our values?

Break out of your box, Church! Get your faith out in your neighborhoods, cities, schools, and workplaces before you can’t. Your gifts weren’t meant to be for the Body of Christ alone, but to show those who don’t yet know Him just how very much He loves and cares about them. Your God-given creative ideas are meant to change society and benefit all those you encounter every day. Your faith can be an example to the struggling. Get your faith-filled hands on the sick and hurting. Feed the sick, deliver the oppressed, invent something life-changing, write legislation, govern righteously, and change the world!

Points for Prayer:

  1. Commit to the Lord that you will be His vessel in the public square and encourage other Christians to be also.

  2. Pray for the Church, that we will not fear being open about our faith in public.

  3. Ask God to pour out His creativity on His Body, resulting in witty inventions and solutions to systemic problems in the nation.

  4. Decree that the Ekklesia will legislate in the heavens and that many will be called into government positions from local city councils and school boards to state and national legislative levels. Pray they do not miss their opportunity to make a difference.

  5. Pray for the persecuted Church in the nations of the earth.

By Dr. Cindy Jacobs

President, Generals International


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