Step 2 – God Guards His Glory
God guards His glory, even when it seems lost. God protects His glory in a nation. He will raise up a people that will go find it. As I travel the nation, I see people that have gotten past “let’s be big”, “let’s see who can build the fastest”, “let’s see what magazine cover we can get on”. These are people that are going after Him. We know we have to meet together and we honor the local church, but the focal point is not the local church. It’s the King and His Kingdom. We are also not trying to get God’s presence into our local church, so we can glorify the local place, but we are focusing on giving the glory to the King. Then, He can give His presence to all the churches and the region, and all the churches will start growing. The weight of His glory will come into our midst and He’ll be recognized. He comes with signs and wonders, deliverance, blessing, salvation and miracles. The lost will recognize it and say, “This is something different!”
“Blessed be his glorious name forever! Let the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and amen.” (Psalm 72:19; WEB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Acknowledge before the Lord that the glory of the Lord has been lost in this nation for a season.
Know that God is not nervous about this, but identificational repentance is in order. Tell the Lord that you want Him and His presence, not just a feel-good church service. Tell Him you want Him glorified and you’ll stop just trying to get people to come to your local church so you can have a big church.
Glorify the King of Kings! Welcome His presence and His glory, wherever you are.
Ask Him to glorify Himself with signs and wonders moving through you wherever you go.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, I acknowledge that Your glory has been lost to this nation for a season. Forgive us for making your presence all about us. We have made it a growth strategy. We have used Your glory to get people into church and, worse, to make a name for ourselves! You are worth so much more than this! Show us Your presence. Show up in the full weight of Your glory! Drive the darkness away and draw the lost to Yourself. Let this happen everywhere we go for those of us who seek You this way. The lost will be drawn to Your glory. They will want You and want to hang out with those that truly know You and walk in Your ways, working signs and wonders, salvation, deliverance and miracles. Come, Lord Jesus. Come.
Today’s decree:
I decree that the lost will be drawn to the presence and glory of God and this nation will glorify Him!