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October 18, 2019

A Word From Chuck Pierce

Many of you know that Chuck Pierce and I do many prophetic conferences together and have for many years. From time to time, Chuck will give a profound prophetic Word during those meetings. These words are not always lengthy, but they are significant. Earlier this year, he addressed the ending of abortion in America and I thought you would want to see this.

“My daughter-in-law called me and asked me if I had the faith for the overturning of Roe v Wade. I told her that I am not praying that way. I said that I am praying because I see something that is going to penetrate the Supreme Court from state to state to state that will cause God to awaken us to the heartbeat of the child in the womb. That’s the only way this is going to shift in America. We have to hear the heart in the womb beating and that will change the course of the law.”

Since that time, Ohio, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, and Alabama have passed Heartbeat bills. All of those bills, except for Alabama’s, have been blocked in the courts for now. Other states are working on getting their own versions passed. The basis of the Heartbeat bills is that abortions cannot be performed after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected in the womb. That can happen as early as 6 or 7 weeks gestation. Pray that the states continue to fight for the lives of our nation’s unborn children until their heartbeats are heard across this land.

“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’” (Isaiah 55:8-9; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Ask for the Father’s heart to beat with every preborn infant’s heart.

  2. Decree, “God will rise up as a Father and Defender of the unborn!”

  3. Ask the Lord to come to the aid of our nation, even as He comes to the aid of the children in the womb.

  4. Pray Isaiah 55:8-9 over this situation.

  5. Intercede for all of the states that have passed Heartbeat bills into law, then had them challenged and blocked in federal courts. Unblock them!

  6. Pray that other states would rise up and pass heartbeat bills of their own.

  7. Compassionately intercede for healing from the effects of abortion on the women who have had them.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, we ask that You align Your heart with the heart in every womb. We say that once the heartbeat is heard in the womb, we will decree that You will rise up as a defender and as a father for each one of those children. Father, we loose You to come to the aid of this nation in a whole new way. You have strategies we would never think of. Your ways are higher than our ways. We pray for the Heartbeat bills that have passed into law and have been signed by respective Governors to be honored as the will of the people. Give other states the boldness to get their Heartbeat bills passed until there is a huge string of virtually identical cases headed to the Supreme Court. Save our children, Lord. Save us from the bloodbath that is abortion. Save the women from future trauma, regret and grief. Save our nation from the iniquitous act of abortion in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God is rising up as a Father and Defender of the unborn in America! Let the heartbeats of the babies in the womb be heard across the land!


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