GH15 is joining in a national call to prayer before the 2016 Elections:
Here is Today’s Focus:
Elementary, Junior High and High Schools
Pray today for the students, teachers, and administrators of America’s elementary, junior high and high schools. Especially pray that the Lord will protect the destiny that He has for each young one. Pray for those with little or no godly influences to be divinely connected with people who will intentionally reflect Christ to them. Pray for young minds to be taught the truth of Christ and protected from falsehood. As our youth mature, pray that the Lord will protect their identity. Declare over our students that they are loved and accepted. Pray that students will be filled with discernment and have real, authentic encounters with Christ that will keep them through their teen years and beyond. In a culture where youth are encouraged to squander and experiment, pray that the Lord will raise up an army of young people who will spend their strength for Christ and become God’s great instrument of change in America. Pray for those struggling with depression, suicide, cutting, eating disorders, bullying, family dysfunction, divorce, peer pressure, drugs, domestic violence, substance abuse, and sexual bondage. Pray specifically for high school students you may know by name. Pray for teachers and administrators to lead students with integrity and the fear of the Lord. Pray for those responsible for shaping curriculum, that God will mold the information being taught. Pray for church ministries and outreaches to students that the Lord will use them mightily. Pray that the youth of America will be equipped to passionately follow Jesus their whole lives.
Today’s Passage:
Psalm 31:20
“In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues; you keep them safe in your dwelling from accusing tongues.”