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November 29, 2017

Soaking in His Presence

I’ve been soaking in the Presence of the Lord all day. With my friend, Rick Pino’s music playing in the background, it is easy to seek him. My words come back to me from a moment in His Presence a few years ago: “You must hear the voice of God saying, ‘Come to Me.’ You must hear Him. You must hear the sound of heaven drawing you. You must hear the sound of His Presence. You must get to that place that nothing matters but the Voice, the Sound. You must get there. It must drown out all else in your life – all of the cares, all of the other desires and passions. Everything else must be brought down to a level where the loudest thing you hear is His voice saying, ‘Come! Come! Come!’”

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28; KJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Decide that today will be a day of soaking and rest, even if you can only carve an hour out to sit with Him.

  2. Say back to Him, “Come, Lord Jesus, come!”

  3. Put on some soaking music, such as “The Holy Spirit” by Rick Pino, or one of your favorites.

  4. Just sit. Practice taking your thoughts captive and actively put aside your wants, desires, questions, needs, worries and concerns. Worship Him. Enjoy His Presence today.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, there are times that Your Presence is what I need. Let today be that day. I want to meet with You. I want to soak in Your Presence. Come and meet with me in a quiet place. I will put some beautiful worship music on, so the atmosphere is prepared for You. Deliver me form all my fears, confusion, and anxiety. I lay aside my wants, desires, and passions. I just want You, Jesus.

Today’s decree:

I say, “Come, Lord Jesus, come!”


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