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November 19, 2020

I invite you to join me each day as we pray for our nation until the election crisis has resolved. I’ll be reading the daily Give Him 15, making comments, and then we will pray together. You can join me here as we Appeal to Heaven for America.

Three Dreams About the Headwaters of the Allegheny River

I was recently given three dreams about the Allegheny River. After seeing dreams 2 and 3, I was directed by the Lord to go to its headwaters and pray for the nation. I knew time was of the essence, so I went immediately and did so by myself, agreeing in prayer with several who joined me by phone. A few days later, I called Chuck Pierce and told him about it. He responded that I needed to go back again, but this time I was to involve a larger group of the Ekklesia. He asked me not to delay, but go right away. So, 4 days later, a team and I went back to Coudersport, Pennsylvania, where the headwaters of the Allegheny River are located. Coudersport Gospel Tabernacle, a wonderful church there, opened their doors on very short notice, to host this national prayer meeting. It was broadcast around the world on November 16th. (You can go here and watch it.) I want to share some key moments of that prayer meeting with you, so we can continue to pray into the revelation together.

Chuck couldn’t attend but sent an encouraging word. He said God is breaking down an old structure in this nation and bringing a new one through revelation and the Holy Spirit’s orchestration. He said that this prayer gathering at the Alleghany would set a direction for the nation at the crossroads of America. He saw a line in the spirit between Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C., and concluded by saying that our being there at the headwaters of the Allegheny River in Pennsylvania would create that line (direction) for freedom in America.

It is important to know that Pennsylvania was established by a God-fearing man, a Quaker, William Penn. He had prayed regarding this territory, “Lord, let Pennsylvania be the seed of a nation.” God answered this prayer and the nation was actually born in Philadelphia, PA. Both the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the U. S. Constitution in 1787 were signed there, at Independence Hall. These documents established America as a new, independent nation; they were truly “the seeds of a nation.” While we see the spiritual covenants with the Lord established at Jamestown and Cape Henry; we see our civic, or governmental, covenants established in Philadelphia.

Here is a summary of the Allegheny dreams. On June 24th, Clay Nash had a dream in which President Trump called the intercessors and asked them to pray for him, as he was going to go up the Allegheny River to the headwaters. As he traveled, Asian carp were jumping up out of the river, trying to harm him. [I think there is something about China wanting to harm this nation that we need to watch for.] The Ekklesia was along the banks praying for the President, and he made it to the headwaters. When he arrived, he began decreeing that the original purposes of God for America would be accomplished and that she would finish well. My assumption was that Holy Spirit was telling us to pray for President Trump, showing that his policies were needed in order to call us back to our roots-- “the headwaters.”

The day before Election Day, Clay had another Allegheny dream. In it, I (Dutch) resent the first dream to intercessors asking for more prayer. There were a few other details, not necessary to mention here. I shared this short dream with my wife, Ceci, and she immediately said she thought I should actually go there. At that time, I felt like most of the praying for the election had been accomplished. The prayer meetings were over. The next day was Election Day. Yet, I felt she was right when she said it. I called a couple of friends for confirmation, quickly showered, threw a few things in a suitcase, and headed for the airport.

En route, another dream was sent to me from a prophetic friend, saying she felt to remind me of a dream she had sent me back in July. Here was a third dream about the headwaters of the Allegheny! In the dream, she saw me there with Thomas Paine, one of the early leaders of the Revolutionary days. He was one of the greatest influencers of independence among the colonists. George Washington actually had one of Thomas Paine’s booklets read to his soldiers on the battlefield to encourage and motivate them. I understood his presence in the dream to say, “We must be encouraged to finish this war. We are on the battlefield. It looks at times like we won’t win, but if we persevere, we will win.” The early colonists fighting for our nation also felt discouragement at times. I knew the Lord was saying, “encourage the intercessors--we must continue this battle.”

Then, in the dream, Thomas Paine threw me a football. I caught it and written on the football was the word “triumph.” I then set the football in a nearby stream, which actually becomes a river reaching Washington, D.C. In the dream, I knew something would be released from inside the football once it arrived in D.C.

In summary, through these three dreams and the Word from a prophet, Chuck Pierce, Holy Spirit led me to the headwaters of the Allegheny. I went first by myself, then with the Ekklesia alongside, to declare the purposes of God for America from that place. (I’ll be giving a report on this gathering in a podcast that will also be released later today, Thursday, November 19, sharing some of the great things God did. Even those of you who have participated--over 385,000 people so far--will hear some new reports.) Though we don’t always know initially why God says to do certain things, He knows! We simply obey what He says. I am very sure that the declarations and decrees made from that region, like the football set in the river, have power in them to shift our nation.

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18; KJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Worship the Lord for the mercy He has extended to America. Though we have sinned against Him in egregious ways, He has chosen to grant us mercy.

  • Remind the Lord that He has said, “I must have this nation! I’m going to send a great revival. I’m going to save America!”

  • Respond to Him that we will partner with Him. We will not turn this nation over to those who hate Him. Say it! “We will not allow those who hate You to annul the covenants our forefathers established with You when they formed this Christ-honoring nation.”

  • Acknowledge the spiritual and civic covenants He established at Jamestown, Cape Henry, and Philadelphia. Thank Him for them. Declare America is re-covenanted to Him. Ask for a re-establishing of covenant with Him in your part of the nation.

  • Declare, “We won’t give up! We won’t hand this country over! Mercy, Lord, mercy! Please, Lord, establish that line of freedom Chuck prophesied about!”

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, we thank You for mercy. You are coming to break our bondages as a nation. Even though we have walked away from You, You are pulling us back, just as You did Israel time after time. You have said to us, “I must have this nation! I’m going to send a great revival. I’m going to save America!” You love to give mercy. You love to forgive and You love to restore. We are not going to turn our country over to those who hate You. We will not turn the nation over to those who do not want us to be a Christian nation, with Christian morals, honoring You and Your Word.

You established America. You led our founders, both spiritually and civically, to covenant with You in forming this nation, one from which the Gospel could be preached freely to the ends of the earth. To date, Lord, we have been free to do so. We are not going to give that up now! We will not relinquish what was paid for with such great sacrifice. You are not finished with America!

We ask for that line of freedom to be established between Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. Remember, Lord, remember the prayers of William Penn. Remember the sacrifices of George Washington’s troops. Remember the obedience of those that went to Philadelphia and declared their allegiance to You above any earthly government. Remember their humility to seek You for the governing model. Remember their obedience to institute it. Again, we won’t give this up! We won’t hand this country over! Give us mercy, Lord. Mercy! Establish that line of freedom today in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Today’s decree:

America was established by God. We will continue to honor Him as a nation, and by His mercy we will remain a nation free to worship Him!


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