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November 13, 2019

Jesus Saves and Delivers!

“Never lose the wonder of God. Never get so mature that you lose childlikeness. Lots of Christians, especially pastors and leaders, are feeling tired and saying they are tired. Rest doesn’t come from vacations or sabbaticals or retreats. It comes from hanging out with Jesus. It’s simple, and we need to find our way into the rest of God through intimacy with Him.  An intimate relationship with God keeps me from sinning. The stuff that used to draw me, doesn’t anymore. If I’m loving Jesus, truly, I won’t want to participate in things He isn’t participating in. I have lived in the fear of the Lord since I got saved. He saved me and delivered me from so many things. 

God put a hunger in me for the Word and I found the fear of the Lord in its pages. The Lord is waking the Body of Christ up to the Word of God anew. We’re going to be walking followers of the Word. The Word says He forgives us and will never bring up what we have done again. I dared to take Him at His Word. Be careful not to put people through years of formulas to get them to the One Who sets them free. Just get people to Jesus. One of the first things I did after I got saved was I went through my house and got rid of all the addictive material and trash that used to rule my life. No one could see me but my Father. I burned it in a burn barrel. I worshipped Jesus over my past and my past has never had a voice into my future. There’s a Holy Ghost movement coming into the Church. There are orphans looking for fathers. We need to lead them to the Father. Rowdy, tattooed, marked up, and scarred up, they are going to take a bullet for the Gospel. There is a radical move of God coming to this nation and the whole world.” (Todd White)

“Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!” (Psalm 33:8; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Genuinely desire a deeper intimate walk with the Lord.

  2. Call for the Holy Spirit to draw His people into intimacy and the fear of the Lord.

  3. Ask God to baptize His people with a fresh hunger for His Word.

  4. Keep pressing for the generation of the addicted, tattooed, marked up, and scarred up ones to be radically saved.

  5. Pray they would know the love of God so deeply that they are saved, healed, and delivered. Then, they can make Him known in the nation and in the earth.

A prayer you can pray:

Father. Father. Deepen my love for You. Draw me into Your heart, into Your ways. Draw me with Your love. Draw the Church into a place of deeper intimacy with You. Cause us to fear You, wonderful One! Wonderful Savior! We must know You more. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge. As we come to understand the depth of Your love, we won’t want anything else. As we learn of You in Your Word, we won’t want the things of the world. You will fill us. You will satisfy us. You will become our all in all. Let this revelation flow to the radically unsaved, Lord. Make them the radically saved. Save them, heal them, deliver them. Let them be so grateful in Your love that they carry that passion into their generation. They will know what Jesus has done for them. They will be the thankful ones! Let their undying love for You sweep multitudes, multitudes into the Kingdom. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The radically saved, lovesick for Jesus, filled-with-the-Word evangelists are about to invade the planet!


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