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May 3, 2020

Into the New Era in the Ark of God’s Presence

[On April 23rd, I participated in the Prophetic Dateline Event hosted by Mike and Cindy Jacobs. Other prophetic friends were on, as well, and beginning with posts on 4/28/20, I wanted to give you a sense of what the Lord is saying through these voices.]


“Around six weeks ago, I had a dream. I was handed a scroll and when I unrolled it, I found it to be a set of blueprints to build an ark. There were seven others with me in the dream and we began to build the ark. I then discover that word is getting out that there is an ark of God’s Presence being built. So people started coming to where we were building. Then, the blueprints started multiplying, so they could be given to scores, hundreds, then thousands of people. Many then were building arks of His Presence.

“I woke up out of the dream and on my heart was imprinted a Word. It was, ‘As it was in the days of Noah.’ So, I have been left to ponder that particular issue since then. I discovered that I had negativity, even judgement of others, and fear that I did not know I had. I have now identified it as an ungodly belief—as in the days of Noah. I repented.

“I kept pondering, ‘As it was in the days of Noah.’ The Lord revealed that the literal ark was built for protection. It was for provision. It was for preservation. It was for Presence, as represented by the dove. Finally, the ark was for the new promise. The ark did not go into a new day or a new year or a new decade. It went into a new era of history. The storm brought the ark and the people in it into this new era.

“The occupants in the ark were not in there for 40 days. They were in there close to a year. All they could do was sit in there. There wasn’t a lot to do. There was nowhere for them to go. They sat there in a place filled with His Presence. Also, God made provision for them in the storm. Have you ever thought about what they ate or how they got along in there with all those animals? God gave protection and preservation from the storm. Then, the Presence of God was released from the ark into the world in the form of the dove. The ark was designed to carry the people from one era into the next.

“The first thing Noah did on land was to build an altar. The Bible says that the smoke from the sacrifice arose into the nostrils of God and it pleased Him. Then, God proclaimed a promise to the people. He set a rainbow in the sky as a perpetual reminder of remembrance. ‘As it was in the days of Noah.’”

“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.” (Luke 17:26; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer (by, James Goll):

  1. Contemplate His Presence. Moses turned aside, will you?

  2. Hear the Lord say, “I have been waiting for My people to slow down and seek Me, because I have much to say about new beginnings; about a new era.”

  3. Identify ungodly belief systems in your heart and repent.

  4. Prepare to “come out of the ark.” Noah came out and built an altar. We must come out and build a public altar of worship and prayer. How will you come out? Plan to come out properly.

  5. Those who don’t know Christ will be in a different place altogether. War against panic and fear in the populace. They will fear disease and death, as well as economic collapse.

  6. Decree that there will not be a global economic collapse! Say, “We will go into a reset for recalibration to recover and bring restoration!”

A prayer you can pray:

Father, You are doing a new thing in the earth. We desire to be a part of it. We will turn aside to wait on You and see what You are doing. Speak to us, Lord. Speak to Your children in this hour and let us participate with You in Your plans. We hear You saying, “I have been waiting for My people to slow down and seek Me, because I have much to say about new beginnings; about a new era.” We want to know these things. We want to intercede until we see them manifest in the earth.

The enemy has locked us up for a season with a virus. However, we can see that You have put us in a quarantine place so we can sit for a while and recalibrate our hearts to Your heartbeat. Deal with any ungodly strongholds in our hearts and minds. Remove fear, doubt and unbelief, and judgementalism, especially racism. Remove false ideologies about denominations other than our own. Fill our hearts with Your love and our eyes with Your view.

Lord, when we come out of this place, we must be different. We have to be ready for the harvest. We must have clean hands and pure hearts, not lifting them up to idols, and having no deceit in us. If we let You do this work in us, we will look strikingly different from the world who will be fearful, even panicked of sickness and death and financial loss. We will be ready to provide Jesus as their answer. They can know Him and receive peace for their weary, fearful souls. We say, “This is the era of reset for recalibration to recover and bring restoration!” We declare this in Jesus’ mighty Name, amen.

Today’s decree:

Let the Church ride through this storm in the ark of God’s Presence into the new era!

Learn more about James Goll here.


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