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May 3, 2019

Beginning a Series on Transition

Some of us like change. Others don’t. If I told you I’m still driving my 2008 Tundra—and happy about it—you might guess which side of the spectrum I’m on. I’ve often thought—as I drive a different rental car almost weekly—a law should be passed stating that all vehicle control panels must be the same! I’m not crazy about change. I have learned, however, that a willingness to change is paramount if we are to succeed in life. Not so much with vehicles, of course—I may drive my Tundra for 10 more years—but certainly with life’s seasons and course changes. I must be willing, and I must also possess a certain level of transitional skills. The same is true of spiritual times and seasons. The Church is not always willing to shift into new seasons as Holy Spirit moves us from glory to glory, nor adept at doing so. However, growing in revelation and fruitfulness must include transitioning into different mindsets, methods, strategies, and even expectations. Unlike the Jews in Christ’s day who couldn’t change their preconceived ideas and expectations, we must discern the times and shift certain facets of our thinking in order to stay in step with Holy Spirit. Change is inevitable.

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Intercede for the Body of Christ to recognize the times and the season we are in.

  2. Invite the Lord to deal with you in any area of your life where you resist change, thereby, perhaps, resisting Him.

  3. Pray that the Church will look forward to change in the world around us, seeing opportunities that bring harvest, fresh revelation, boldness, and blessing.

  4. Rejoice in advance for the coming glory and fruitfulness of the new season.

  5. Intercede for our nation in advance of the dangerous moments that can occur in seasons of transition. When the old clashes against the new, there is much turmoil until everyone sees that it is going to be okay.

A prayer you can pray:

God, we, the Body of Christ, ask You to open up the eyes of our spirits to see what it is that You are doing in this time and in this season. We feel the tension and have not known how to work with it. We long to feel the excitement of a new and wonderful thing coming, but, often, we feel fear and trepidation. We, largely, don’t like change, and we know we will likely have to embrace change. There is something so new coming. The nation looks new. There are new ideas being espoused all around, and we don’t like much of what we see and hear. We feel like we’re in a war zone, sometimes. We actually are, if we consider that there is a war between heaven and hell going on for the future of U.S. and for souls. Lord, fix our eyes on Jesus! You will take every challenge and turn it around to be a blessing. The harvest fields are white! We get to see a new wave of Your Glory and the supernatural reaping of a harvest, where angels are obviously involved! So much fruit of all the prayers we have prayed for so long! That should be worth facing the unknown! Lord, minister to the fear in us, because we don’t want to be found resisting You, as the Pharisees did when Jesus showed up. We want to move with You, Holy Spirit. We pray that You would smooth out the rough places that are coming, as old mindsets and demonic plans collide with Your Truth and true justice. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s decree:

God is doing a new thing in America and we, the Church, will embrace it and hang on for the ride!


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