Remembering the Widows
We have been looking this month at transition and how to navigate it in the Lord. One of those unique transitions is widowhood. It is more common for women to outlive their husbands—by a ratio of 4 to 1. Jesus specifically told us to care for the widows. Author Quin Sherrer helps us understand this season of life:
“Saying goodbye to your loved one who is about to leave this earth is one of the hardest things a wife will every do. You cry alone behind closed doors so no one can see or hear you. Within the solitude and silence of your heart, you say to yourself, ‘No one can really understand—no one but Jesus, who cried when His friend died.’ Expressing grief in appropriate ways helps us acknowledge the loss, resolve the pain, and then move forward in trusting God with the future. It is important not to get ‘stuck’ in the grief through denial, depression, or blaming. Even in the midst of grief, we have access to the promises of God.”1
Fear of further loss, worry, isolation, and loneliness are some of the things that a widow might be dealing with. Jesus came to deal with all these things and give us hope instead! He has a way where there seems to be none and He will not ever leave us or forsake us. He will heal the widows’ hearts and cause them to be mentors to the generations of Believers coming up behind them. We will reap from their wisdom and devoted intercession.
“Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.” (Psalm 68:5; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Thank Jesus for Who He is and the sacrifice He has made for us to live forever with Him!
Pray for the widows who may feel very tender toward heaven now that the one they loved the most on earth is gone.
Intercede for the healing of their hearts, minds, and emotions.
Pray that the Lord will help them know who He has created them, as an individual.
Stir up any dreams, passions, and gifts that she may have laid aside, let go dormant, or let die. Blow on them, Wind of God, and let them live again!
Bring those alongside her who need her wisdom and knowledge of You.
Bless any widows you know. Connect with them, call them, visit with them, pray with them, and learn from them.
A prayer you can pray:
“Lord Jesus, thank You that You are the Resurrection and the Life. Thank You for paying the ultimate sacrifice on the cross so I can go to heaven too, and remain with You there. But, right now, help (the widows) face today, on earth. Dry (their) tears. Heal (their) heart. (Let them) look forward to what You have in store for (them) in (their) days ahead. (Let them) choose to let You do whatever You need to do to bring (them) to wholeness. Thank You that (they) can come to You anytime and pour out (their) heart. (let every widow) declare in faith that (she) will overcome (her) current challenges because You will show (her) how to make it as a single woman again. Restore what is in (her) life the (she) may have let die. Stir up (her) gifts, dreams, and talents so (she) can be a blessing to those You put in (her) path.”2 Thank You, Jesus! Amen.
Today’s decree:
The hearts of the widows will heal and they will be strong and courageous mentors of the generations to follow them.
11 Excerpts from “Hope for a Widow’s Heart: Encouraging Reflections For Your Journey”, by Quin Sherrer. Authentic Publishers, Franklin, TN. 2013. 17, 19, and 26.
2 Ibid. 18, 23, 25, and 183.