Faith for the Impossible
Galatians 6:9 (KJV) states: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” If we are not able to persevere, there will be times when we will not receive what we have asked. Jesus said, “All things are possible for the one who believes.” (Mark 9:23 NASB).
It is imperative that we ask in faith when we pray for the salvation of the people we love. We must be convinced God will answer our prayers, or we will not be sufficiently motivated to ask with persevering faith. And it is also true that unbelief can block the power of God from being released to answer our prayers.
I am certain some of you feel intimidated, questioning whether you have, or could ever have, enough faith to pray your loved one or friend into the family of God. The answer to your question is an emphatic yes! Don’t allow satan, the accuser of the brethren, to defeat you before you ever get started. You are in the household of faith. Holy Spirit, the author of faith, is in you; you can and will be able to believe. Deep within your spirit, it is your nature to walk in faith.
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is that of Abraham and Sarah believing God’s promise for a son. What most people don’t realize, however, is that they didn’t always walk in great faith during the 25 years they waited for Isaac. Their faith wavered regarding receiving a son through Sarah - so much so that they conceived a plan to try and fulfill the promise through Hagar, Sarah’s maid. Ishmael was the result.
The aged couple was still in doubt when God came again and told Abraham Sarah would conceive and bear him a son “at this season next year” (Genesis 17:21). Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 90. Abraham laughed at God, and so did Sarah. I probably would have laughed, too. Abraham’s “faith-filled” response was, “Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!” (Genesis 17:18). I, too, have asked God to accept a few of my Ishmaels!
However, in a seeming contradiction, the New Testament clearly states that it was because of Abraham’s and Sarah’s great faith that God was able to fulfill the promise (see Romans 4:17-22; Hebrews 11:11-12). Does the New Testament contradict the Old Testament? Absolutely not.
Romans 4:20 tells us that they “grew strong in faith.” And here’s the good news: They grew into this incredibly strong faith in three short months, at which time Isaac was conceived. Twenty-four years of unbelief was overcome in just three months! From the final announcement until Isaac’s conception, three months later, something transpired to transform them from unbelief to the great faith spoken of in the New Testament.
If God could do this for them, He can do it for you! Abraham and Sarah were not yet born again, as you are. They didn’t have Holy Spirit dwelling in them. Surely we who live on this side of the Cross, with a “better covenant” and “better promises” (Hebrews 8:6), can rise to a level of faith as quickly, or perhaps even more so. Don’t underestimate the Christ in you (see Colossians 1:27)!
You can be as confident as Sam and Jed, who epitomized faith. Hearing that a $5,000 bounty had been offered for the capture or killing of wolves, they became bounty hunters. Waking up one night, Sam saw that they were surrounded by 50 pairs of gleaming eyes - ravenous wolves licking hungry chops. “Jed, wake up,” he whispered to his sleeping friend. “We’re rich!”
When the wolves of unbelief and opposition endeavor to erode your faith, and when the circumstances around you scream that you will never receive the Lord’s promise, follow the admonition of the prophet Joel: “Let the weak say, I am strong” (Joel 3:10).
Pray with me:
Thank you, Father, for the example You gave us through Abraham and Sarah. Thank You for showing us that our faith can grow quickly as we begin to meditate on and declare Your promises. This is not beyond our reach. You have given us the mind of Christ in order for us to know You and Your ways.
We ask you now for a spirit of wisdom, revelation, and enlightenment according to Ephesians 1:17-18. Lift any barrier from our minds so we can receive a revelation of who You are and of Your will for us.
We ask You now to save our friends and family members. We know your power is greater than the darkness controlling them. We know the weapons of our warfare are mighty through Holy Spirit to free them (see 2 Corinthians 10:4). So, we break off deception, strongholds of the enemy, and the pride that came to the human race at the Fall causing us to rebel against You. We ask You to do whatever it takes - signs and wonders, dreams, hearing or seeing the right things - do whatever is necessary, Father, to bring them to You. We lay hold of these things by faith, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Our decree:
We decree that our faith is rising, and we shall see many of our friends and family members come to Christ.