Conversation With Chuck Pierce About the Coronavirus – Part 2
[Recently, I sat down with Chuck Pierce to talk about what God is saying regarding the coronavirus COVID-19. Go back and read the prior post on Give Him 15 on March 28th, so we can pray these things into the Church and the national situation. Make sure as you pray through the conversation over the next few days that you do not allow fear to enter into your heart, but rather, let faith arise in you.]
CHUCK: The Lord had to put the world in some Shabbat form. I call it, “A Divine Pause.” That’s how intercession works. God is saying, “We have to get some things in order, so we have a greater strength going forward in days ahead.”
Let me back up and say that last January I asked the Lord what He was saying for 2019. He said, “Plow through.” So, Dutch, you and I gathered in about 26 different places across America to really encourage God’s Kingdom people, His watchmen, intercessors, prophets, and apostles to rise up and start watching in a new way. This was especially for this year we are presently in. For you who don’t know, Dutch made it all the way through that journey until the last meeting. It was a great toll to plow up some things that needed to be plowed up. As we ended that tour, Dutch had to have some sort of rest. That’s what happens when we plow hard. We need to end in rest.
Since we plowed all year, where are we now? Let me tell you about some books that will give you a great understanding of what God is doing. Tim Sheets has a great book on this new era, The New Era of Glory. I encourage you to get it. Dutch has a book that helps us know how to watch and pray, Watchman Prayer. Then Robert Heidler and I wrote a book called, The Triumphant Kingdom. This is about how the apostolic Church is rising up, not the mega-church.
Let me go back to August of last year when I started hearing what the Lord was saying for this new era. By September, we were entering into this new era of revelation. At Rosh Hashanah, which was in September 2019, you are crossing over into new revelation. This is the first month of the year on the Hebraic calendar, and God’s dearest month of the year, where He calls us to break old cycles. He calls us to enter into what He is announcing for the future.
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Worship the Lord and thank Him for this Divine Pause we are in!
Yesterday, we prepared our hearts. Today, ask if there are any other things you need to get in order to move forward in days ahead.
Read Hebrews 4. Have you learned to enter His rest? Consider the last era as over, your last assignment finished, and ask for the grace to do so.
Ask the Lord to show you what resources you, specifically, need to get prepared for your assignment in the new era.
Declare, “Old cycles are broken in my life and I am moving into the new!”
Decree, “Old cycles are breaking over America! This nation is moving into the new!”
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, we worship You! We exalt Your holy Name! Jesus, You are the entire focus of our lives. You are all that we need. You are everything. You have moved our entire nation, saved and unsaved, into a Divine Pause. We have never been this way before, but the prophets are telling us this is a very necessary season of rest. Therefore, we will embrace it. We will enter Your Hebrews 4 rest of God, individually, and corporately. We consider everything we have been doing to be in a holy reset. We may move on in similar assignments, but if we do, they will not be the same. Something will be different. Old cycles are breaking. The familiar is breaking. Habits and addictions are breaking. Things will be seen clearly. Nothing will be quite the same.
Show us what resources each of us needs to help us prepare to move forward. Give us revelation and understanding, wisdom and grace. We will each say, “Old cycles are broken in my life and I am moving into the new!” We decree, “Old cycles are breaking over America! This nation is moving into the new!”
Today’s Decree:
In the “Divine Pause”, we will watch and pray and learn, and get ready to move into the new era. Learn more about Chuck Pierce here.