Prayer for Our Military: Training and Preparation for Warfare
“Training and preparation for war are fundamental to success on the battlefield. Training must be structured to address the anticipated challenges of the battlefield upon which the soldier expects to operate. Success and survival will be determined largely by the extent and sophistication of the training programs that are implemented before going into battle. A poorly designed and executed training program will result in loss of life and failure to subdue the enemy. Social experiments in the US military have greatly degraded training programs by using valuable time for non-essential training, thereby sacrificing valuable training time in favor of such things as diversity, tolerance, sexual harassment, and white privilege.” (General Jerry Boykin)1
“Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war….”. (Psalm 144:1; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Ask the Lord to give wisdom to military leaders regarding the wise use of their training time and resources.
Pray for these social experiments to be stopped and for no additional social experiments to be done.
Pray for a restoration of combat-focused training that will prepare American service members for the rigors of warfare.
A prayer you can pray:
Father, our military leadership needs wisdom for the use of their training time and resources. We say, “Enough with social experiments in this ‘captive audience’.” These are men and women needing trained to fight for the protection of American freedoms around the world. Please help the military to redo their training programs to focus on the essentials once again. We ask for their protection, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
We decree that our military will once again be the best trained in the world and the social experiments are coming to an end.
Learn more about General Jerry Boykin here.