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March 12, 2017

Praying for Our Military: Protection of the Troops

“Young American military men and women are serving in hostile areas around the world today, standing against evil in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Their enemies are diabolical, determined, and lethal. Every service member in harm’s way needs the protection of the Almighty, just as Psalm 91 calls for. Prayers for them need to be focused and intense and prayed as one would pray for a loved one who is in imminent danger with an immediate need for protection. We must remember that those who serve do so because their country has sent them to a foreign land to stand up to tyranny, not because they have chosen the time and place for warfare. Consequently, we need to be praying for safety for all military personnel wherever they are in the world.” (General Jerry Boykin)

“A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you”. (Psalm 91:7; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Pray that God will give each service member the whole armor of God in both a physical and spiritual manifestation of that armor.

  2. Pray that God will give each service member a discernment to see and recognize the enemy before the enemy can act.

  3. Ask the Lord to bring comfort to all service members as they are separated from their families and loved ones.

  4. Ask God for victory in battle for America and our allies. Seek a quick victory with a minimal loss of life on either side.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, we ask You to cloth each of our U. S. Service members with the whole armor of God. Protect them from every plan of the evil one against them. We ask that You would give them a gift of discernment to recognize the enemy before they can act. Please send Holy Spirit to comfort the loved ones of those who are deployed. Grant grace and peace to soldiers on the battlefield. We ask You for swift and complete victory on the battlefield with minimal loss of life. Let those who are Your enemies, see Who You are through this, even as the ancient enemies of Israel did when You moved to win their battles. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s decree:

We decree that the battle is the Lord’s and He will move mightily on behalf of our troops!

Learn more about General Jerry Boykin here.


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