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June 5, 2018

It’s a Victory for Religious Freedom!

“Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled (7-2) that the government was wrong to punish Jack Phillips for living consistent with his beliefs. No one should be bullied or banished from the marketplace for peacefully living out their beliefs about marriage. We have long known that the free exercise of religion is in jeopardy in Colorado, but it was the personal persecution of Jack that brought this issue to the forefront of the nation. America is the only nation in the world that understands it’s citizens cannot truly be free if we are not able to exercise our own sincerely held beliefs. Our Founding Fathers enshrined our right to religious freedom in the First Amendment of our Constitution to make sure we have equal footing on a platform of freedom from which to live out our lives. While we are thankful for the favorable ruling, we need to stay vigilant.”1

“When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan.” (Proverbs 29:2; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. This is a day of rejoicing! Get up and shout! The Supreme Court of the United States of America upheld religious freedom, even though this is not the broad victory Believers had hoped for.

  2. Intercede for the return of everything Jack Phillips lost – time, money, reputation – everything the enemy tried to steal from him.

  3. Pray for Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins, who brought this case against Jack Phillips. Ask God to introduce them to the greatest love of all – Jesus Christ’s love for them.

  4. This was a case decided very specifically based on the laws of Colorado and the actions of the judges there. It will not necessarily transfer to other states and it is not a final word on the matter for the entire nation. Therefore, research, educate yourself, and intercede for all of those still fighting attacks against their Christian beliefs across the U.S.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, we will take every step forward in the protection of our ability, as Christians, to live freely in our nation. All of our first amendment rights were violated when Jack Phillips was taken to court over his refusal to make a cake for a gay marriage. The ramifications for Believers could have been devastating to Christian business owners who could be asked to violate their religious beliefs, based on the outcome of this case. So, we rejoice and thank You that the Supreme Court voted 7-2 to support Jack. We forgive and intercede wholeheartedly for the salvation of Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins, whom You love. Keep these civil rights cases right in front of our eyes, Lord, so we can see religious freedom upheld firmly in America, In the name of Jesus, amen.

Today’s decree:

Righteousness, justice, and religious freedom will be fully secured in this land!

1 Colorado Family Action and CFA Foundation, “Religious Freedom Wins!” 6/4/18.


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