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June 26, 2023

Be Encouraged!

These incredibly challenging times, filled with negative reports of what the enemy is doing, can become a bit overwhelming. Add to that the urgency many of us feel to oppose these evils, and, if not careful, we can become weary in our well-doing (Galatians 6:9). One of satan‘s primary strategies is to “wear down the saints” in order to alter God’s timings and decrees (Daniel 7:25). The Hebrew word used for “wear down” is only used in Scripture to describe mental and emotional weariness.

It is important that we guard against this! Keep in mind that the passage in Daniel is about the Ancient of Days, the Supreme Judge of earth, ruling in favor of the saints (verses 21-22)!

The great pastor, teacher, and patriarch, Jack Hayford (now in heaven), used the powerful phrase “enforcing the victory of Calvary” in his teachings on prayer. In other words, we war FROM victory, not FOR victory. We do not have to re-defeat the devil; we enforce his defeat in Christ’s name. We are distributors of power, not generators; we are in the distribution department of the Kingdom, not the production department. When we keep this in the forefront of our thinking, we can remain in our “rest of faith” spoken of in Hebrews 4:1-11.

Remind yourself of these things, as well as the reports of progress being made through our prayers of enforcing Christ’s victory. In one of his recent articles, Larry Tomczak lists several such “praise reports:”

  • “Over 30,000 young people came to a “Fill the Stadium” event in Oklahoma focused on evangelism and worship.

  • Twitter officials censored the trans exposé “What is a Woman?” but billionaire Elon Musk intervened, and it is awakening people nationwide with over 180 million views in weeks!

  • Over 500 pieces of legislation are moving forward nationwide to counter LGBTQ-driven agendas that push surgical mutilation of minors, lewd performances by drag queens in libraries and schools, plus distribution of destructive materials indoctrinating impressionable children and youth.

  • Turning Point USA (TPUSA) announced having 600,000 student activists and 3,000 campus chapters.

  • TPUSA celebrated almost 11,000 students at their AmericaFest 23 conference, committing themselves to bravely proclaim the gospel and transformative truths throughout the land.

  • At a recent gay pride event here in Franklin, compassionate Christians reached out winsomely to LGBTQ attendees, and when three policemen told me to “leave the premises,” they found we had correct information, and their deceptive remarks could not banish us because of our First Amendment rights.

  • A Nashville Pastors Summit drew 1,100 leaders being equipped to engage in our culture, as we heard from Charlie Kirk, Eric Metaxas, David Barton, Dave Ramsey, and the leadership of In-N-Out Burger (33,000 employees).

  • A gathering of 1,600 leaders met in New York to address the challenges of our day from a Biblical worldview.

  • In Vermont, a coach was fired and his daughter expelled from their middle school for confronting a transgender boy in the girls’ locker room, but the court awarded them a $124,000 settlement in a lawsuit, and the coach was immediately reinstated, as was his daughter.

  • The “Jesus Revolution” film debuted two months ago on a $15 million budget and has reached millions, taking in over $50 million, with it now being released to cable screening and DVDs (available from for an offering) enabling Christians to have home viewings with non-Christians or give the movie as a gift to people.

  • Americans are awakening and emphatically rejecting the LGBTQ agenda. As a recent Gallup poll revealed, a majority view changing gender as morally wrong. Only two genders (male and female) exist, and women should not be forced to compete unfairly against biological men in sports. (Family Research Council 6/14/23)

  • Homeschooling has almost doubled as parents refuse to subject their innocent children to inferior education standards and inappropriate sexualized indoctrination.

  • Anna Paulina was sworn in as a United States Congresswoman this year as a conservative Christian and one of the youngest Latinos in history elected to office.

  • Austin Smith, an outspoken Christian, was elected to the Arizona Legislature as the youngest member in the state’s history.

  • The Florida Legislature passed, and Governor DeSantis signed into law, sweeping legislation called “Protect our Kids,” upholding decency in the state and inspiring other states to follow suit.

  • The state of Texas passed a law allowing chaplains to serve as counselors in all public schools.”

I would add to this list that never have we been in a time when so much evil is being uncovered and exposed by God. This is the first step to removing it. America is waking up to the depravity that has invaded our land, the evil that has entrenched itself in our government, education, and the media. The Ancient of Days is releasing his prosecutorial evidence daily. The church is waking up, realizing we have allowed this depravity through our passivity and complacency. The stage is being set for radical change - in the right direction.

On the worldwide stage, millions of people are being saved, with one of the greatest harvests taking place among the Muslim community. Holy Spirit is releasing to them dreams, visions, and revelations of Christ by the thousands, which is impacting millions. The youth in our nation, and probably many nations, are absolutely ripe for the coming harvest. There is a revival taking place among the military, with many of them coming to Christ. Churches around the country are experiencing outpourings of Holy Spirit, not at the level we will soon see, but this is beginning.

Despise not small beginnings! (Zechariah 4:10). Instead, rejoice over them. Spend some time thanking God for what He is doing, and encouraging yourself in the Lord. Our prayers, along with decreeing the word of the Lord, are making a difference.

Pray with me:

Father, You are great and greatly to be praised. You are all-powerful, almighty, all-knowing, all-wise, and ever-present. And You are good, always. You are a redeemer, restorer, and reformer. You are eternal, pure, holy, righteous, kind, loving, merciful, long-suffering, and patient.

Your ways are good, and they are successful. Your Word is forever settled in heaven, will never pass away, and is filled with life and truth. You kicked evil out of heaven and judged it on the earth through the Cross. As your Ekklesia, we have been delegated authority to enforce this victory; we accept this privilege and responsibility.

We boldly declare that America shall be saved, and the greatest harvest in all of history is coming to the earth. This will not be stopped! This will not be stopped! This will not be stopped! When we declare Your words and promises, angels are released to work, and the atmosphere of Earth changes. We are changing it today with these decrees, and we will continue to do so. As we do, we glorify You, exalt Christ, and partner with Holy Spirit. Today, we bless YOU. All of this we do in Christ’s glorious name! Amen.

Our decree:

We declare that Jesus Christ, the great White Horse Rider, the Lion, and the Lamb, triumphs over all opposition - always.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

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