Understanding That God is Separating to Multiply
[Chuck Pierce gave the following Word in October 2018. It is exactly what we are living through now and I thought it might be good for us to revisit it.]
“This is what’s ahead for the next 2 years and 4 months. You can mark it down. There is a big swamp ahead. Say, ‘We’re coming through this swamp.’ And, it is a swamp we are coming through.
“We are in a time where we need to break out of conventional thinking. This is very key for us to understand if we are going to make it through this place that we are headed into. We have to understand that we are making a shift into harvest. It is not going to happen the way we think. Any time you are moving into a harvest season, what happens is that a separation comes, and it gets worse and worse and worse. It gets greater and greater and greater. Over the next two years, you will see one of the greatest separations in this nation. It will almost look like the Civil War has come. It’s just that God is going to have to define the separation, so that we fully understand it.
“This separation is going to cause His people filled with the Holy Spirit to rise up as one. This is what is going to happen with us. We won’t have time for the racism card. We won’t have time for all of that, because we are going to have to be one. Voices will be raised up that carry the anointing. We are going to need to learn to see the anointing and how to follow the anointing to get through this season properly.”
“On that day you will no longer need to be ashamed, for you will no longer be rebels against me. I will remove all proud and arrogant people from among you. There will be no more haughtiness on my holy mountain. Those who are left will be the lowly and humble, for it is they who trust in the name of the Lord.” (Zephaniah 3:11-12; NLT)
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Worship the Lord, for He is unfolding a plan that we would never have imagined, even though He told us in advance.
Ask God for eyes to see and ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying and doing in this hour.
Set aside your own thoughts, vain imaginations, and prejudices, so you can see what He is doing right now.
Intercede for the Ekklesia of God to understand the times and season, so we can interpret them for those who are not waiting on the Lord or listening to the prophets. Therefore, they have not yet sought Him or heard Him and could be lost in the confusion of this season.
Ask the Lord where the anointed ones are. Be ready for His answer to surprise you. Intercede for the new voices to arise and be heard!
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, You said that You don’t do anything unless You have told Your prophets about it first. Well, sometimes You tell them and they tell us, but we don’t comprehend the significance of it. Forgive us for treating Your written prophetic Word and Your prophetic Word spoken to the Church by an anointing of the Holy Spirit, as if they are just a part of a worship service. We esteem Your Word far too lightly!
These are dangerous days, but they will have a wonderful outcome. You are preparing Your harvest. You have to separate out the wheat and the tares. You are in the process of even winnowing the harvesters, so the harvest does not rot when it comes into the barns, Let those with ears hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.
God, let the Church increase in our understanding of the prophetic passages of Your Word. Let us hear Holy Spirit inspired Words from the prophets and believe them and heed them and intercede into them. Separate darkness from the Church, and make us ready to love and care for the massive harvest of souls that’s about to be reaped. Make our eyes see others as You see them. Make our hearts love as You love. We cannot see through blind eyes or prejudiced hearts. Our family affinities and worldly mindsets must give way to truth. Clean us up and bring the let the harvest come in, we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.
Today’s decree:
When God separates, harvest is near!