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June 20, 2024

Messiah, the Healer

At times, God does things in unusual ways. He once spit in the mud, made clay from it, rubbed it in a blind man’s eyes, then instructed him to go wash it out in the pool of Siloam (John 9:6). What was that all about?! The following explanation from gives insight.

“Several rabbinic traditions identified the Pool of Siloam as the Messiah’s Pool.

“Because the pool was near the temple, its water was used for a special ceremony during the Feast of Tabernacles. Every morning during that joyful feast, a priest would take a golden vessel to the Pool of Siloam [which means “sent”], fill it with water from the pool, and bring it back to the altar amid the shouts of the people. Then…that priest poured out the water on the west side of the altar, and another priest poured a drink offering of wine on the east side of the altar. This ritual was probably to illustrate Isaiah 12:3, ‘With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.’

“However, on the eighth and final day of the feast, the ritual was not repeated. And that is exactly when Jesus chose to make a startling announcement: ‘On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them”’ (John 7:37–38). On the one day of the feast when no water was poured, Jesus stood up and filled the gap. The ‘water’ He offers (the Holy Spirit, verse 39) is better than the waters of Siloam.

“In John 9, Jesus meets a man born blind…Jesus heals the man. But it is interesting how Jesus chose to heal him: He spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. ‘Go,’ he told him, ‘wash in the Pool of Siloam’ ([which again, means ‘Sent’] So the man went and washed, and came home seeing (John 9:6–7). So, the blind man was sent to a pool called ‘Sent’ by the One who was Himself sent by God into the world (John 3:17; 10:36).”(1) 

Christ’s DNA of creative life overcame the man’s blindness and healed his eyes. Messiah’s well of salvation is still bringing life and healing today. My friend Ken Malone shares a powerful testimony of a way to tap into this healing power, and drink from the river of life.

Ken Malone - Giving Thanks

“Did you know that there are multiple ways to experience the healing power of the Holy Spirit? Many people focus on only one or two of these ways. Those seeking healing often overlook the significant avenue of giving thanks as a means of receiving healing. Many of us, including myself, typically ask others to pray for us and/or have someone lay hands on us, as is taught in the Bible (Mark 16:18).

“However, perhaps the Holy Spirit wants to utilize a different approach. First Thessalonians 5:18 tells us, ‘And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.’ (TPT)

“In 2018, I had the honor of hosting Gerald Derstine, a general in the faith, at Kingdom Gate Worship Center. At 90 years old, he appeared to be in excellent health. As we sat together in the green room before the service, Gerald shared a powerful testimony with me. He said, ‘Ken, I feel better now than 10 years ago.’

“I was taken aback and asked, ‘How can you feel better at 90 than you did at 80?’

“Derstine explained that ten years ago, he had struggled with severe arthritis in his hips and back, which made every step a painful endeavor. His story of overcoming such difficulties was truly inspiring: ‘I went to the Lord and asked why I wasn’t being healed. Holy Spirit told me that it was because I wasn’t giving thanks. I told my wife, Beulah, that if she heard me praising and thanking the Lord, instead of complaining, I was following Holy Spirit's counsel. I began worshipping, praising, and thanking the Lord, even in the midst of my suffering. Two days later, I was healed. My expressions of gratitude to the Lord turned into declarations of faith, which led to my recovery from debilitating arthritis.’

“God had done such a work of healing in Gerald’s life that after his wife, Beulah, went to see Jesus, he remarried at the age of 89.


“I recently heard Bill Johnson say, ‘God inhabits my praise. There is [also] something out there that wants to inhabit my complaints.’

“Drawing near to the Lord in worship, praise, and thanksgiving not only fills our hearts with inspiration and joy, it also draws God close to us. Look at James 4:8, ‘Move your heart closer and closer to God, and He will come even closer to you.’ (TPT) Thanksgiving is a way that we draw near to Him.

“First Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to ‘give thanks in all circumstances.’ This doesn’t mean we should thank God for our problems, sickness, or disease. We should remember that God doesn’t give us sickness and disease; He gives healing and life. James 1:17 reassures us that ‘every good and perfect gift is from above.’ So, even in the midst of trials, let’s remember to give thanks!

“Expressing gratitude to the Lord for our healing, deliverance, blessings, prosperity, and the salvation of loved ones and friends is a powerful declaration of faith. It’s a way of saying, ‘Father, I thank You in advance for healing me. Father, I praise You for saving my children.’

“Today, fulfill His perfect plan; give Him thanks. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise (Psalm 100:4). And expect the works of the Lord to manifest in you and for you.”

Pray with me:

Father, we are grateful for Your son, Jesus. Forgive us for complaining over the issues we face, rather than turning to You in faith and thanksgiving. According to Isaiah 53:5, You bore stripes in Your body for our healing. We appreciate the healing of our bodies according to Your Word. Holy Spirit, we are thankful for Your work in our bodies to bring divine healing.

And Father, we thank You for what You are doing in America and throughout the world. Thank You for revival; thank You for reformation. Thank You for saving a billion or more people in our time. Thank You for healing millions, manifesting the work of Christ the Healer. Thank You for removing corruption from our government, and for restoring America to paths of righteousness. Thank You for reviving the Church. We give this thanks in the name of Yeshua. Amen.

Our decree:

We declare that God is a good Father, Jesus is our Healer, and Holy Spirit’s power is available to us. And we are thankful!

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

You can contact Ken Malone at


Unknown member
Dec 18, 2024

Block Blast makes me feel like a strategy master! Every time I break a block, I feel excited like I just completed a big mission.


Jun 20, 2024

Hallelujah! Praise you Jesus for your healing power. Every good and perfect gift is from you.


Johnna Ingram
Johnna Ingram
Jun 20, 2024

So much healing teaching and scripture verses are turning up on my phone today. It's probably because God wants to heal my sister from cancer.

Jun 23, 2024
Replying to

Yes, Jesus loves you and your sister and He loves to heal.


Fran LeCount
Fran LeCount
Jun 20, 2024

Wow! Thank you for such a timely word! Perhaps this is the day when our hearts are that good ground, ready to receive this and bring forth much fruit. Thank you!

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