Satan Cannot Stop This Move of God
[Today’s post is from my friend, Rick Ridings, from Jerusalem.]
“The prophets have been prophesying a great harvest of souls and some are saying, ‘Where is that harvest?’ That harvest is coming in across the earth. It is happening. It will spread to many other places. There is a beginning outpouring in many nations. 77, 000 Muslims came to the Lord in a church in Uganda last year. They have been seeing phenomenal miracles. God is working in that nation. COVID-19 is all around that nation, but there has not been one death to date in all of Uganda. I believe it is one of the forerunner nations that are building new models based on worship.
“I have been concerned that when the Great Harvest began the enemy would try to cut it off through extreme circumstances and challenges. As the Azusa Street revival was happening, World War I and the Spanish Flu broke out. Both of those were trying to stop what God was doing. What I had to come to believe, and we need to realize, is that the enemy cannot stop what God is doing. Rather, God wants to use us to stop what the devil is doing. There is a stirring to bring evil alliances in the earth to cut off the global move of God.
“I had a vision about the Lord beginning to spread out the train of His robe over the globe. As He did, there were certain evil thrones that were overthrown, but there was also something of His governmental Glory that was released. Then, I saw in the sky above Him, in huge letters, the word ‘restrained’. That means ‘to hold back; to control the actions or behavior of another to stop them from doing something; or to limit the growth or force of something’. So, I felt God was saying, ‘Right now, I am releasing the train of My robes, which represent governmental Glory. As I am releasing governmental Glory on My Body, then You will be able to restrain the enemy and to stop the war before it starts.
“Therefore, I believe we are to restrain the powers of anarchy, of anti-Christ, of the Red Dragon, and of any other force trying to stop His move of Glory and harvest. God will help us as the Body to receive this governmental authority from Him. It will cause us to lay aside all self-reliance, self-righteousness, or a sense that we know how to do this. We are to be in total dependence on Him. As we worship Him, He will begin to give us Kingdom solutions, new models, and new alliances. Do not just sit there and let the enemy do what he wants to do. We need to be filled with faith and hope, worship and proclamation, and we need to carry out His Will on the earth.”
“It was in the year King Uzziah died that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple.” (Isaiah 6:1; NLT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
With the enemy coming in on many fronts, we must fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Worship and do that now.
Intercede for the great harvest of souls.
You don’t need to pray about everything going on. In fact, you might wear yourself out! Ask the Lord what front you are to be engaged in spiritual battle on.
First, ask God what He is doing in that area.
Second, ask Him to help you see or discern what the enemy is doing to stop God’s plans.
Gain specific instructions for intercession into that situation, both to route the enemy and to see God’s purposes established.
Call forth the manifestation of Kingdom models and solutions in that arena.
Ask Him if there is anything you need to be actively doing in addition to praying in that area.
Declare over your assignment, “Kingdom of God, come! Will of God, be done on earth as it is in heaven!”
A prayer you can pray:
Father, there is so much going on that it is hard not to feel overwhelmed and scattered in my prayers. Sometimes, I just get stuck and become unsure of what I should be prioritizing in intercession. Settle my heart today. I will worship Jesus, Your Son, and the lover of my soul in whom I shall find rest. Reveal to me if there is one area that You are calling me to specifically focus. Show me everything You want to do in that area. Help me to see and discern what Satan is attempting to do to thwart Your plans. Give me great faith to engage in that spiritual battle, so I can work with the prayers of other saints and with Your holy angels to stop the enemy in his tracks! Give me scripture. Give me songs. Teach my hands and mouth to war! Form decrees in my spirit man so I can speak forth the way forward in my arena of influence. Let the solutions of heaven come into the earth realm. Let new mindsets and models that are necessary for this era begin to form.
If there is something You would have me do to establish or reinforce this victory, show me, Lord. I want to completely fulfill Your assignment. I want to lay aside all self-reliance, self-righteousness, or a sense that I know how to do this. I want to be in total humility and dependence on You. Be glorified Great King of the universe! Be glorified beautiful Son. Be glorified Holy Spirit of the Living God. Fill me with faith and fire, passion and grace. Kingdom of God, come! Will of God, be done on earth as it is in heaven! All praise to You, King Jesus! Amen.
Today’s decree:
Kingdom solutions and new Kingdom models are being created in this nation!
Learn more about Rick Ridings here.