U.S. and North Korea Meeting Results
There is a war in the heavenlies that is about to shift something in Asia. It’s more than saber-rattling. God is moving to upset the balance of power there. If God would turn the heart of this “king”, Kim Jong-un, if he were to be saved, so many men and women would be set free! So, we ask for his salvation. Let the barrier come down between the two Koreas, so that a wave of North Koreans come to Christ out of this moment. North Koreans must be set free from their bondage. Christians in prison must be set free. Human rights violations must be addressed. Any ungodly agreements that may have recently occurred between North and South Korea must be uncovered. The military presence of the United States in South Korea must be preserved. Don’t let President Trump fall into any trap or deception or be caught unaware. Peace must be slowly and carefully negotiated, so grant our president Your Spirit of revelation, wisdom, and truth!
“He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Reflect on the weight of this historic moment. It is so much more than a simple meeting. This is a war in the heavenlies that has the ability to shift nations.
Intercede for President Trump to be mantled with God’s spirit of wisdom and revelation.
Call for the release of prisoners – political and spiritual – in North Korea.
Ask God to open the door between North and South Korea, so that a wave of evangelism can sweep in from the South to the North.
Ask God to give our President an ability to discern truthfulness in his conversations with Kim Jong-un, and to not prematurely remove a military presence from the area. (The South Korean Church is concerned about this.)
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, we know that President Trump has been put in this place for such a time as this. This is a moment you have prepared him for. You gave Joshua, Solomon, Daniel and others a spirit of wisdom. You bestowed something on them that was supernatural. Paul said we should pray for that impartation of the spirit of wisdom and revelation. So, we are asking You to give our President an ability to discern truthfulness and cause him to persuade and convince toward Your plan for this moment in history. We thank you for this supernatural anointing on President Trump until what has been done today is completed in the earth. In Jesus’ spirit of wisdom and grace, amen.
Today’s decree:
President Trump is mantled to shift nations into Your alignment and to help release the harvest of the earth!