The Sound of Liberty
“Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof” is the message on America’s Liberty Bell. No one currently living has heard this bell ring, but it has rung out in the past. It has rung to notify the new nation’s citizens of the reading of the original Declaration of Independence. It has rung to call our original constitutionalists to their lawmaking meetings. It has been the symbol of freedom and national unity from the Revolutionary War through the Civil War until today. It has been freedom’s symbol for the abolition of slavery and to rally women to vote. It may be a silent bell today, but it shouts to the glory of God, as the inscription declared upon it, proclaiming our nation’s liberty, is from the Holy Word of God.
“Set this year apart as holy, a time to proclaim freedom throughout the land for all who live there.” (Leviticus 25:10; NLT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Decree Leviticus 25:10 over America and proclaim this a year of holiness unto the Lord and a year of religious freedom!
The Liberty Bell rang for significant reasons. Declare the bell is ringing for religious freedom. Declare it ringing for racial reconciliation. Declare it ringing for justice for the unborn. Keep going – add your own reasons to ring the Liberty Bell!
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, I decree that this year is set apart as holy and it is a time to proclaim freedom throughout the land to all those who live here in America! Thank you that You gave our nation a symbol of freedom in the form of the Liberty Bell. It cannot ring in the natural, but I ring it out over this nation in the spirit. I ring it over life for the unborn! I ring it for racial reconciliation! I ring it for religious freedom and for the ending of the lie of the separation of church and state! I will declare many things free as I spiritually ring the bell of liberty over it! In Jesus’ name, amen.
Today’s decree:
I decree that this is a year of liberty in America!