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July 7, 2017

Korea – Holy Ghost Wind Tunnel

On a recent trip to Korea, I saw the Korean Peninsula as a “wind tunnel” through which Holy Spirit would blow from the South to what is now North Korea, and into all of Asia. “I am going to release an explosion of grace over Korea,” Holy Spirit declared. Acts 17:26 states that God determines the boundaries of nations. We decreed, therefore, that the man-made boundary between North & South Korea would be removed and the rebirth/rebuilding/restoration of all Korea would happen so amazingly fast that it would be a sign and wonder to the world. We then prayed and opened the door for the Korean Peninsula to be a wind tunnel through which the wind of God would blow, starting from the south, sweeping through the north, and then into all of Asia, as God had previously shown me.

“From one man He made every nation of men, to inhabit the whole earth; and He determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands.” (Acts 17:26; BSB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Praise God and stir up your holy faith, because you are about to join in decreeing the shifting of the nations of North and South Korea.

  2. Find a map of S. Korea and imagine it as a wind tunnel to N. Korea and the rest of Asia. Shout in agreement with Holy Spirit, “It is time! It is time! It is time! Grace, grace, grace!”

  3. Decree that God is resetting the boundaries of North and South Korea to the boundaries He has set for them. Declare that they shall be one again, even as God has determined they would be!

  4. Prophecy, “Wind of God, blow! Make Korea Your wind tunnel of revival and reformation in Asia!”

A prayer you can pray:

Oh, we praise You, Lord! We worship You and stir ourselves up in our most holy faith, so that we might decree with authority the things You are doing in Korea right now. You are going to move quickly to make North and South Korea one. You have determined the boundaries of that nation. You have determined the purpose of that nation. We agree with You and decree that Korea shall be the wind tunnel of revival and reformation to all of Asia, Jesus! Amen.

Today’s decree:

Korea shall become a wind tunnel of Holy Ghost movement and change to all of Asia!


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