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July 5, 2016

What Is The Price of Freedom?

“Do you know what price the signers of that parchment paid for their patriotism, the devotion to principle? John Hancock of Massachusetts was one of the wealthiest men who came to Philadelphia. Later, as he stood outside Boston and watched the enemy sweep by, he said, ‘Burn, Boston, though it makes John Hancock a beggar.’

“Altogether, of the 56 men who signed our great Declaration, 5 were taken prisoner, 12 had their homes sacked, 2 lost their sons, 9 died in the war itself. Those men knew what they were doing. In the final stirring words of the Declaration, they pledged to one another ‘our lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.’ And when liberty was at stake, they were willing to pay the price.”1

“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.” (Philippians 3:8; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Our founding fathers counted the cost to live free. We must do the same to live free in Christ. Stop and think about this.

  2. Are we willing today to pay the price or pray the price to develop the nation we want to live in—one that is found pleasing to the Lord? Talk to the Lord about this.

  3. Ask the Lord to supernaturally create the unity in the body of Christ that is needed and the strategies needed to become a nation that honors God. Commit to be a nation-changer.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, thank you that You gave us the example in the Apostle Paul that there is Kingdom business that is worth giving up everything to see come to pass. And there is nation-building business worth it, as well. Give me a determination to work together with You and to pray unceasingly to see a national transformation that honors You. I am here, Lord, use me! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Today’s decree:

If I will be free, there will be a cost and I am determined to pay it rather than live in bondage to sin or to man!

1 Remarks of Gerald R. Ford on the National Bicentennial in Philadelphia, PA on July 4, 1776. July 4, 2016.


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