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July 20, 2020

The Finishing Anointing in the New Era – Part 5

[We began a very encouraging series 7/16 from a message Chuck Pierce released on Sunday, 7/12.]

“Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe that? He would say to us, ‘You have a past, you have a present, and you have a future. The only way you can walk in victory is to allow the action of My Spirit to move You into that victory. You have a future self right now that’s setting goals and wants to see certain things happen. You want to experience certain things in your life. You have these future goals, but you have this present self that’s going to have to create some sort of willful action so that your future goals go into movement. If your present self doesn’t move right, submitted to Me, your future in Me gets postponed. It gets delayed. It gets stopped.’

“He says, ‘You’re dealing with certain past and present issues of emotion that are hindering the movement of your future. If you don’t come to some place of finishing your past and your present, you’ll never activate your future. Your past self is hanging onto certain traumas that you have experienced that you are holding down in your emotions. Fears that are playing on those traumas are keeping you from crossing an action line.’

“Here’s what you have to understand. God is God. He is sovereign. He knows when He is ready for us to move. He knows at what point we must take action. I write books, therefore, I have deadlines. When I don’t hit my deadlines, my action level starts wavering. It’s the same with you. If we don’t hit certain deadlines, and hit certain faith actions, we are held in our last season. It will take an action of your will, especially if you don’t really want to do what you need to do.

“Sometimes it’s an experiment. You start moving until God stops you. It just can’t move forward yet. But the time will come when you will move forward. There is an action line in you that God is trying to get in order. You are going to know that if you don’t give, or worship, or take some action, something’s not going to work out for you.

“So, for us to get into the new, we have to have some level of hope that rises fresh within us. Faith is going to spring from hope. Faith is an action. If the enemy can destroy your hope and keep deferring it, you will eventually just get sick. If you never get to the end of hope, an infirmity of weakness sets in on you. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. If you can’t bring your hope into a place of finishing power, sickness will set up against you. That’s what is wrong with America.”

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” (Proverbs 13:12; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Take an assessment of yourself today. Are you happy and fulfilled? Are your hope and faith high? Are you under spiritual attack? Are you confused and struggling? Are you sick? Your hope may be deferred.

  2. Ask yourself right now, “Do you really believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever?”

  3. Do you know you are deeply loved by the Lord and that He has a perfect plan for you? Let hope arise in you.

  4. Say, “Lord, I don’t want to be left in my last season.”

  5. Ask Him to heal you of the effects of any deep trauma you have experienced in a past season.

  6. Intercede into the past traumas of this nation as He leads you. Break the effects of trauma off of a people group you may represent.

  7. Ask Him where you stopped moving forward and ask for the grace to move again. Just take one step at a time, but keep moving.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I come to You today in need of an adjustment. I want to finish well. I love You and am so thankful for Your unending love and devotion to me. Let’s talk together today about how I am doing spiritually. Where am I on track and where am I stuck? Where has my hope become deferred to the point of causing me heartache or physical illness? Am I filled with joy and trust and expectation? Do I really believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Do I fully trust in your love? Align my heart with yours!

Lord, I don’t want to be left in my last season. I want to fulfill the things You have destined for me. If there is any place of trauma I have experienced that is holding me back in fear, please heal me. I pray the same for this nation. Where people groups have experienced corporate trauma, Lord, heal. Heal and deliver. Let those of us around them intercede for their healing, and act in healing ways toward them. We must be one. We must be unafraid of one another. We must be each other’s best cheerleaders. Where I, as an individual have stopped, or where our nation has stopped moving forward, let hope arise and manifest in faith. Jesus, arise within us and be gracious to us. America will be saved! Amen.

Today’s decree:

Let hope arise within the Church so our nation can fulfill its destiny!

Learn more about Chuck Pierce here.

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