Possessing the Gates
“From the time of Abraham the Lord has wanted His people to possess the gates. It’s very important; because whoever possesses the gates controls the dynamics of a region. That control can bring in a move of God or it can shut down the heavens depending on who possesses the gates. If the Ekklesia of a city possesses the spiritual gates, they can then usher in revival.
“The Lord left Abraham a prophetic promise about The Gates, ‘And your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies’ (Genesis 22:17). ‘That promise extends to us as well. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to the promise’ (Galatians 3:29). ‘Upon this rock I will build My Church (Ekklesia-governing body); and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it’ (Matthew 16:18).” (Ken Malone)1
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
“Look where the land was occupied in the beginning. Many of these gates are found where the Native tribes lived and worshiped.” Honor the Native Americans, then ask the Lord to forgive the worship of any false gods. Worship Jesus!
“Look where the first settlers from Europe came in and lived.” Look at whether their purpose for settling was led by God or something else, greed, for example. Thank the Lord or identificationally repent.
“Also look where there have been previous moves of God, because these are gates also.” Join your prayers with all of those prayed in the past for your area and ask the Lord to do it again!
A prayer you can pray:
Father, help us to see where the gates in our city and region are, so that the Believers in this area can work together to possess them. Show us where native groups worshiped gods other than You. Show us why the first European settlers established colonies and if they were led by You or by their own greed or other reasons. Show us if there were previous moves of God in our region. Show us, so that we can worship You, thank You, repent to You and believe that You will move in our region for the first time or once again! Jesus, thank You! Amen!
Today’s decree:
We believe that the Church, God’s Ekklesia in this area, will possess the gates of our city and region!
Learn more about Ken Malone here.