Terrorism in Nice, France
France is a friend of the United States. In Romans 12, the Apostle Paul is exhorting us how to live as pleasing to the Lord. Among other things, he instructs us to mourn with those who mourn. France is mourning again. Families are mourning. Friends are mourning. It’s so soon after the attacks in November 2015 when 130 people were killed. The night before last another 84 were killed and many more injured. These things are so hard to understand, but we must pray.
“God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable], a very present and well-proved help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1; AMP)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Ask the Lord to give you His heart for the family members and friends who lost loved ones. We should mourn with those who mourn, not just watch the news and go about our business.
God’s people hear His voice. As we pray, we should be ones that hear strategies for dealing with the most challenging of problems in the earth. Pray that we hear Him and pray that government leaders hear Him, as we pray for these leaders to gain strategies.
Pray that the free governments of the earth will fight terrorism as a mortal enemy, so that the people of their nations can dwell in safety. Pray intensely for the salvation for those the enemy has trapped in radical Islam.
A prayer you can pray:
Dear Lord, we humbly come to You and lift up to You the people of France in their great loss Thursday night. We choose to mourn with those who mourn. Our hearts are heavy with concern for the families and friends who have lost loved ones in what should have been a wonderful day of celebration. Lord, we are boldly asking You for answers to the issue of terrorism in the world today. Give Your children answers as we pray. Give our government leaders wisdom and the grace to carry out the plans that You give, so that terrorism can end in the nations and our friends and families can live life in peace and joy. Save those the enemy has deceived into joining radical Islam. Get them out, Lord! In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Today’s decree:
Today we will mourn with those who mourn and believe that God will be their very present help in this time of trouble.