Watching Over Our Spheres of Influence
[Jonathan Hamill is a leader in the governmental prayer movement and has shared this recent word of exhortation.]
“God is the ultimate watchman. He who watches over Israel, His covenant land, never slumbers and never sleeps. We are called to be White House watchmen right now. We are called to be watchmen over our spheres. We need to hear the Divine intelligence ahead of time that will prepare the way for what God wants to do and mitigate what the enemy is trying to do.
“I feel like we need to increase our prayers for the security of our homeland. As much as we’re focused on some of the internal challenges and turmoil, we have to remember that there are enemies from the outside. They would desire to use our place of pain as a window to strike us. We need to shut the gates of sabotage.
“Let’s pray for healing from trauma. Look at our nation, and other nations, as well. The trauma of COVID-19 has hit us, and everything we’ve been working to move forward is suddenly in a state of upheaval. All of this has affected all of us personally. We see uprisings in the middle of this. Yet, there is also a righteous justice movement rising up in the middle of it all. Some are wanting to co-opt it and further sabotage our nation, but I believe God’s hand is on it.
“We have felt there are unprecedented challenges. That often causes us to look inward and focus on us. This keeps us from seeing the value of those that are protecting us, whether the police on the streets or the military or intelligence communities. We must pray for them.”
“Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain.” (Psalm 127:1; NKJV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Pray for your police departments, sheriff departments or other local law enforcement in your area. Pray protection over those who protect us. Reach out and ask your local department what you can do for them, or write a card or letter of support. One community held a coffee meet-n-greet where citizens could come and meet their local officers.
Intercede for wisdom for the military and national guard units deployed into city and state situations.
Ask the Lord to provide His intelligence to our national intelligence agencies, such as the Secret Service, Homeland Security, and other agencies. Pray they will see and find what they need to unravel every potential plan of attack against this country.
Pray Romans 13 over your area, breaking the power of any lawless spirit that has been released there.
A prayer you can pray (by, Jonathan Hamill):
Lord, we want to thank You for our military and our intelligence communities. We thank You for our local police and sheriffs’ departments. We thank You for the Department of Homeland Security and other federal law enforcement agencies. We don’t look at these organizations politically, but with Your heart. We thank You that they seek to protect the lives of every citizen every day, regardless of background. We desire to see the protection of the Lord restored over our nation. So, we rise up with a united cry as watchmen of the Lord over our realms of influence and our homeland. Release Your wisdom and protection to them.
Raise up the watchmen to sit in their place on the wall and to take their stand. Where we have been asleep, we call the Church to awake! It’s time to arise! It’s time to mobilize prayer for the protection of our land, as well as the restoration of God’s best intentions for our nation. We are not relying on the political realm. We are relying on the Lord our God to act on our behalf. Thank You for protecting that which was established by Your heart for America, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
Together with the Lord, we will watch over America! Learn more about Jonathan Hamill here.