A Year to Need the Word and Faith
“The Lord placed a demand on me many years ago to memorize as much of the Word as I could. He wanted me to be able to ‘read’ it without opening it. You may not have that same call. If you don’t, then just get what He wants you to have. For my brother, Keith, it was ‘Set your face like a flint.’ With just that one verse God could get him where he needed to be. When God gives you that piece He wants you to have, get it so deep in you that the enemy can’t pull it out.
“Freedom is a result of what you speak. If you want breakthrough, you are going to need to have the faith to speak the Word of God into your situation. This decade is about our voice determining our future. It is linked with coming face-to-face. You are going to come to some face-to-face moments and it’s out of the choice you make in that face-to-face moment that your future is determined.
“This is something to understand about faith. Faith is a response we have toward an object. It is linked with time and place. For example, how we respond in worship can cause our faith to come into a new dimension. Faith isn’t something you are looking for ‘out there’. It is something that comes at a certain place at a certain time and you are making a conscious choice toward the object of your faith—the God of this universe.
“God chose Moses. I love the verse in Hebrews 11 where it says his mother had the faith to know what to do for three months. Then she had to make a shift. So Moses’ mother had faith for three months, then she knew she had to make a decision. She knew she had to have a different faith to release him and put him in the river. He ended up in Pharaoh’s court.” (Chuck Pierce)
“By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king’s command… By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible.” (Hebrews 3:23 and 27; NKJV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Fix your eyes on Jesus for a few moments. He is your ultimate goal, the object of your affection.
What are the scriptures God has given you as “life verses” that help you find Him or find your way forward? If you don’t have at least one, get it from Him right now.
Pray for a greater measure of faith to partner with your Word, so that your decrees and declarations of His Word are more effective.
Have you walked in faith, but have now become aware that you are at a point where a shift is needed? Maybe you have gone as far as you can in one direction and need to shift, as Moses’ mother did. Ask God what His plan is now.
Intercede for an overall increase in faith and knowledge of the Word for all of God’s people.
A prayer you can pray:
Father, I fix my eyes on You for You are the author and finisher of my faith. With You, I can make it through anything, no matter how challenging. When I think about Moses’ mother and the hard decisions she faced, I see how You came through for her. You showed her exactly what to do. You moved Moses right into the center of Your will for Him, as she listened carefully to You. When she ran out of grace for one thing, You showed her how to shift. Show me, too. Stir up the verses You have brought to life for me. Give me new ones that I’ll need for this new season. Increase my faith and mix it all together as I gaze on You, precious Lord. The world is getting more dangerous and my life circumstances have at times been dangerous, but You will put Your Word in my mouth and the breakthrough will come. I will follow You closely and carefully. Let the whole Body of Christ develop a hunger for Your Word and a desire for an intimate friendship with You. Let the world see Jesus in Your beautiful Bride, the Church, in Jesus’ name. We will see miracles. Amen.
Today’s decree:
We will mix faith with the Word and speak our breakthroughs into existence!
Learn more about Chuck Pierce here.