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January 27, 2025

Phase Two: Operation Redeem All

From November 2020 through January 20, 2021, millions of believers - both in America and in other nations - prayed diligently for the exposure of the corruption we believed occurred in the past election and that existed throughout our government. With our prayers, we were attempting to stop another four years of antichrist government from occurring in America.


During this season, numerous dreams and visions were given to leaders and intercessors, encouraging us to persevere and seeming to assure victory. When Biden was inaugurated on January 20, 2021, it looked as if our prayers were not answered. We now know that the dreams were indeed from the Lord, but spoke of a several-year season of cleansing we had entered, one that would lead to four years of the greatest exposure of evil and corruption in American history. They were for then; they are for now. The following dream was given to Greg Hood on January 21, 2021, the day after Biden’s inauguration in 2021; he had not thought about this dream in quite some time, but Holy Spirit brought it back to his memory this past Thursday morning. Here’s the dream:

“Six members of the prayer team that worked closely with Dutch during the election battle were sitting at a table on a deck by a lake. There were six empty seats remaining. On the table was a large map of Washington, D.C., rolled out over a map of the United States.

“We were discussing the process of the prayer journey we had been on over the last 2½ months. Dutch said, ‘I know we have been obedient to do what we’ve been commanded by the Lord, and I know we’ve been successful.’

“I then pointed out to Dutch that the map on top, the map of Washington D.C., had a large tear down the middle. The tear was jagged, like an old map would look after being torn. Dutch said, ‘We should fuse this map back together.’

“Suddenly, we realized individuals were approaching us from behind. We turned to look and saw William Penn, Billy Graham, F. F. Bosworth, George Washington (dressed in his Continental Army uniform, not his presidential attire), Abraham Lincoln, and Jesus. Each of them took a seat at our table.

“Jesus then spoke very calmly and said, ‘George.’ When Jesus spoke his name, George Washington began speaking to us, ‘Good job, the Ekklesia has completed Phase One. “Operation Expose All” went well, and we have achieved our goal.’

“Again, Jesus spoke very calmly and said, ‘Billy.’ When Jesus called his name, Billy Graham began speaking to us: ‘Guys, now it’s time for Phase Two to go into full swing. We are here to activate “Operation Redeem All.”’ Billy Graham went on to say, ‘Ready yourselves and the Ekklesia. Days of great victory are just ahead of you. These great days of victory will be met with much resistance from the darkness. As you release light, however, America will transform and be reestablished right before your very eyes.’

“Jesus then looked at us and said, ‘I have something for you.’ He gave us a gift, a gold ring like no other I had ever seen. The gold was so pure it was as if you could see through it. The ring had a key etched on it, along with the words ‘King of Kings’ & ‘Kinsman Redeemer.’ Jesus said, ‘Wear this ring and all that you put this ring upon will be impacted with the weight of the Kingdom.’

“Jesus then gave us an old wooden gavel that had Revelation 19:11-12 inscribed on it: ‘Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself.’ 

“When Dutch took the old gavel into his hand, it became very heavy. The weight of it seemed impossible to handle. Dutch said to Jesus, ‘This gavel is too heavy, I can’t lift it. How will we ever use this?’ 

“Jesus then said, ‘You have to talk to it. It knows our dialect.’ When Dutch began to speak in heaven’s language, the gavel became light and easy to wield.

“Jesus said, ‘Have we reached a place of agreement? Are we all in agreement with the release of “Operation Redeem All?”’ He began calling the name of each one present from the cloud of witnesses; each gave their ‘Yes’ to the assignment. He then looked at the remainder of us sitting around the table - those still living today - and said, ‘What about you six? What is your answer? Your vote is needed to complete this council’s assignment.’ We all answered a resounding ‘yes!’

“Dutch then slammed the old gavel on the table and said, ‘The Council’s assignment has been approved and carried! “Operation Redeem All” has been activated and set in motion.’

“All from the cloud of witnesses smiled, stood up, and left, patting us on the shoulder as they did so. Jesus said to us, ‘I am with you! I believe in you! I am staying with you to watch you finish this.’ He then said, ‘Look at your map.’ When we did so, it was no longer torn. It had been healed so perfectly it looked as if it had never had a tear.” End of Dream.

My Thoughts

This amazing dream is filled with rich symbolism. The connection to our past, both nationally and spiritually, covenant (William Penn), America’s birth (George Washington), the nation divided - pictured by the tear through Washington D.C., the survival of a torn nation (Abraham Lincoln), evangelism (Billy Graham), and signs and wonders (F.F. Bosworth). 

Holy Spirit refers to “phases” regarding what He has been doing through our prayers: Operation Expose All and Operation Redeem All. By referring to Phase One as exposing “all,” Holy Spirit is not saying all of the corruption in America has now been exposed and removed. He is saying that this phase of prayer has accomplished its purpose. 

Holy Spirit then references a new phase: a phase of redemption. I believe it refers to the healing of our land, the restoration of America’s original purpose and a Third Great Awakening. 

In the dream, Jesus gave us His signet ring, representing kingdom authority; He also gave us His weighty gavel, symbolizing judicial authority to bind and loose, as well as justice. I feel Christ’s Ekklesia is now going to a higher level of functioning in his weighty authority. A king’s signet ring stamped on a document made it the irrefutable law of the land. Christ is reemphasizing to us our authority to enforce His Kingdom will on earth. And as we hear and declare Heaven’s words, the gavel of the Ancient of Days will fall.

In the dream, Jesus said we have a vote, and must choose to align ourselves with His will and desires. The King needs our agreement. He cannot do this without us. He also told us He believed in us!

Pray with me:

Thank You, Father, for what You have done in this nation: the birthing of a covenant people who will submit to You; honoring us with the holy calling of trumpeting the good news of Your kingdom to the ends of the earth; and the incredible blessing You have given our nation as we partnered with You. We are very grateful.

We thank You for the uncovering of corruption You have done and continue to do in our land. And we thank You for the redeeming phase we are now coming into. We believe this and cast our vote for it, joining ourselves with the great cloud of witnesses and believing You for the synergy of the ages. We ask for this. We believe that appealing to You still works. And we boldly do so.

We accept our responsibility to wear Your signet ring. We take Your gavel with holy reverence and sobriety. Give us Your words, and we will speak them, releasing Your justice on the earth. We know this partnership is Your plan, and we pledge to You that we will honor and fulfill it. We love You very much, and ask these things in the name of Jesus...Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that Operation Redeem All is now officially underway.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

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