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January 27, 2019

The Power of Seven Black-robed Men

The Lord said to me once while I was praying at the Supreme Court, “You must focus on the courts. More has happened to lead this country away from God through the Court than any other institution.” In biblical times, it was often at the gate of a city that a court or governmental body met. The Lord went on to say, “You must close that gate at the Supreme Court to unrighteousness, and you must open that gate to Me. You must close that gate to the forces of darkness that have infiltrated the nation. More has been done to harm the cause of Christ and bring a culture of death, destruction, and evil through the courts than anywhere else.” There have been a number of key decisions over the years giving their governmental stamp of approval on immorality and injustice, but none so grievous as with Roe v Wade in 1973. This one case has resulted in the death of more than 60 million babies. Seven men made a decision that unleashed a death culture over the nation—seven black-robed men.

“Then I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning; After that you will be called the city of righteousness, A faithful city.” (Isaiah 1:26; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Ask God to turn the tide of the culture of death that has emanated from the Supreme Court over the last 50+ years.

  2. Thank the Lord for some recent rulings that are life-giving and just. Things have started to turn!

  3. Declare that the gate at the Supreme Court is closed to further unrighteousness and national harm.

  4. Declare that the gate at the Supreme Court is open to God!

  5. Speak “life” to the gate of the Supreme Court. Turn the tide and declare it to be a place of where godliness, holiness, righteousness, truth and justice and life flow into the nation.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, we humbly ask You to intervene in our nation and turn back the tide of unrighteousness that has flowed from our Supreme Court in the last half century. We add our prayers to the intercession that has gone on before us. Hear, Lord, and act. Merciful God, we are asking for You to ready the Court for righteous actions. Recently, there have been some decisions that have given us hope. We want You to be honored in our governance! We can see the enemy’s influence in our culture much more clearly now. We see him salivating with joy at the expansion of death and Godlessness in America. Lord, we can only withstand Him as You give us grace to stand! Help us not grow weary in well-doing! We say that the Supreme Court of the United States will be a purveyor of Life! Life, life, life, and that abundantly! We proclaim godliness, holiness, righteousness, truth and justice and life flow into the nation! In our precious Savior Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s decree:

The gate of the Supreme Court is closed to unrighteousness and open to God!


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