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January 22, 2025

2025 - A New Path Forward, Part 2

On yesterday’s post, Jane Hamon said the Lord told her He was bringing us into a time of Renaissance. He said old cycles would be broken and new pathways for success would be established. Much devastation would be overcome as multiplied grace is poured out. Today is Part 2 of this encouraging word.

A Year of Revolution, Resolution, and Restitution

1) Revolution

A revolution is a radical and pervasive change in society and its structure, one that often occurs suddenly and can be accompanied by violence. For us, it will be  an intense period of spiritual conflict, change, and triumph over our enemy.

2020 began a new era of COVID, global conflict, corruption, and globalism exerting its power. As we press into 2025, our prayers and decrees can set the stage for a new Golden Age of awakening—or our negligence can set the stage for war. It’s time for a Kingdom revolution to turn the tide of this spiritual war and usher in a glorious time of awakening, revival, and reformation on the earth.

Revolutions change the course of history. The American Revolution was a time of intense conflict that resulted in the birth of a new nation. This year will not be without challenges, and we will continue to deal with the forces of chaos that want to destabilize our world. But the end result of these spiritual battles will be nations and generations birthed into God’s new purposes.

In this time, God is raising up heroes, righteous spiritual revolutionaries who will bring a shift in the midst of the battle. These heroes will emerge from the church world but also from other sectors of society. Those with Cyrus-like leadership capabilities will arise to lead us into a new and better future. The violence I speak of is not natural violence fueled by hatred or anger but rather spiritual violence against Satan and evil. We do not wrestle or war against people. Nevertheless, it will be messy.

In a scene from The Patriot movie, the Revolutionary Armies were running in defeat when suddenly, a man picked up the flag and ran toward the battle, galvanizing the army to turn and fight again. Much of the Church has been in retreat—afraid to rock the boat, fearing cancel culture, and not wanting to be controversial—but God is raising up heroes bearing a standard of righteousness and justice who will turn the battle at the gate. If you have been standing still or running the wrong way, pick up your flag and run to the battle.

I heard the Lord say, “The enemy has sown the wind but is getting ready to reap the whirlwind!” (Hosea 8:7) The Amplified says, “He has sown the wind of evil and will reap the whirlwind of destruction.” What the enemy has started in the past few years, God’s anointed Ekklesia is getting ready to finish! Jesus is our Mighty Man of War, our gibbohr—champion, hero, chief, warrior, brave, valiant, strong man. He is rising for us, in us, and through us! I sensed God’s righteous anger at the works of the enemy and saw a picture of Jesus with a whip, driving money changers out of the temple.

God is looking for heroes who will partner with Him on this path—spiritual revolutionaries yes, but nevertheless possessing hearts like George Washington, Patrick Henry, and Paul Revere. Heroes put aside their own issues and fears for the sake of others.

The Lord says, “Will you be one of My heroes? Will you be one of My men or women who will display unusual bravery in the midst of battle? If you will step up and raise the banner of victory in the face of all the enemy uses to intimidate, I will show up in supernatural ways to assure your triumph. This is the hour to pursue, overtake, and recover all. I am looking for My Davids, My Daniels, My Gideons…I am looking for My Deborahs, My Esthers, and My Abigails who will step up in times of crisis and overcome.”

Renaissance Warfare

This spiritual season of Renaissance will yield new strategies of spiritual warfare and upgraded spiritual weaponry that will produce greater breakthroughs for individuals, families, churches, and even nations. Rather than reacting to the enemy’s attacks, God will cause us to be more proactive, preemptive, and prepared—offensively discerning the right way forward to produce victory.

What Are We Battling?

  • War over Worship – contention exists in this nation and many others about who or what is to be worshipped. Baal systems? Marxism? Communism? False Gods? Wokeness? Mammon? Or the Lord? 

  • War over Power Structures – who makes the laws and sets national agendas? God is shaking power structures in the seven mountains of culture. Hollywood, government, the music industry, eduction - they are all being shaken.Revival on college campuses in 2024 will explode to a new level in 2025, representing an unraveling of antichrist strongholds in the fortresses of indoctrination.

  • War over the Supply Lines – who controls the money? Where is money being allocated, diverted, or blocked? There will be exposure of corrupt flows of money. The enemy would seek to cut off supply lines of believers and cause great economic shaking to stifle God’s purposes. We must not allow this.

  • War over the Media – who controls the narrative? 

2) Resolution

Resolution is the act of resolving or determining a course of action, providing solutions, settling problems, decision-making with firmness of purpose, and (politically) a formal expression of intention after a vote. It also speaks to clarity, like a picture coming into focus.

Psalm 25:4, 5, 8-10 tells us: “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me…He teaches sinners in the way. The humble He guides in justice, And the humble He teaches His way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.”

This will be a remarkable time of true justice (not woke social justice, but true biblical justice) for those who have suffered accusations and all manner of spiritual attacks. 

  • Long-standing issues will be resolved.

  • Long-awaited miracles will come to pass.

  • New solutions will be discovered to advance God’s purpose.

  • New strategies will be released to untangle evil agendas.

3) Restitution – Payback!

Acts 3:21 speaks of the “restitution of all things”: apokatastasis—restoration to a perfect state as before the Fall. From the root apokathistemi—to restore again.(1)

Merriam-Webster defines restitution as “an act of restoring or a condition of being restored, such as returning something to its rightful owner or making good on an injury or loss.” It is also a legal term referring to “payment made to someone, or the giving of equivalent value, to compensate for damages or loss.”

Psalm 25:12–14 tells us: “Who is the man that fears the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way He chooses. He himself shall dwell in prosperity, And his descendants shall inherit the earth. The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant.”

Repentance and the fear of the Lord release prosperity and generational blessings, breaking bloodline curses!

Joel 2:25–26 says: “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten…You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied…” 

It’s time to reap the spoils. When Israel was attacked by the Ammonites in 2 Chronicles 20, they were horribly outnumbered. But God intervened and gave them victory over their enemy. The spoils were so great that it took three days to gather them. They named the place the Valley of Berachah, which means the valley of blessing.

Be encouraged as we step into 2025—our Golden Age of Awakening and Renaissance of Righteousness. Let’s stand in faith for breakthrough, fresh clarity, and restoration in every sphere of influence, trusting God to lead us in victory!

Pray with me:

Father, we thank You for raising up spiritual warriors with hearts like our Founding Fathers and the heroes in scripture. Those willing to put their fears aside and serve others unconditionally. Give them boldness and great skill for spiritual war. You said this would produce greater breakthroughs for individuals, families, churches and even nations. We ask for this.

As we continue to war spiritually against the idols in our land, the structures satan has built in the seven mouintains of our culture, we ask You to give divine strategy on how to establish Your kingdom values in these mountains. We ask that the revival on college campuses explode to an entirely new level in 2025. Give Your wisdom and strategy that will keep the money supply flowing in Your kingdom and for Your purposes. 

And lastly, we ask You to restore that which has been stolen from Your people. Reverse poverty, damage, loss, generational curses, and replace these things with blessing. Our valleys of war will become valleys of blessing!

Our decree:

We decree that this is a year of revolution, resolution, and restitution!

Today’s post was contributed by our friend Jane Hamon. You can find out more about Jane at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 605.


Jan 22

A powerful, motivating post for all Americans, INCLUDING God-fearing members of congress!


Jan 22

Thank you, Jane Hamon! It is off/in to war we go with His grace and prayer and decrees!

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